Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

higher education statistics Page 5 of 63

Finland resets on international recruitment

Finland resets on international recruitment

There are more than 20,000 foreign students in Finland currently, three-quarters of which come from non-EU countries...

Australia off to a fast start in 2017

Australia off to a fast start in 2017

The number of student visas granted for study in Australia increased sharply in the first three months of 2017, rising nearly 22%...

Malaysian government cools on study abroad but outbound still growing

Malaysian government cools on study abroad but outbound still growing

The Malaysian government continues to send strong signals of its increasing emphasis on domestic provision...

Foreign enrolment in Dutch universities doubled over past decade

Foreign enrolment in Dutch universities doubled over past decade

Foreign enrolment in the Netherlands reached a record high in 2016/17. The country now hosts more than 112,000 international students, nearly three-quarters of which (81,392) are engaged in...

Measuring up: Global market share and national targets in international education

Measuring up: Global market share and national targets in international education

Within an overall context of significant growth, the share of internationally mobile students...

Germany’s foreign enrolment continues to grow

Germany can see 350,000 from here. That is the number of students that the country aims to host by 2020, and the latest figures from the German Academic...

Canadian universities reporting a bump in applications for 2017

Official national statistics have yet to be announced for 2016 - and won’t...

UK government signals increasing emphasis on transnational education

In recent conference remarks, a UK minister reinforced the government’s support for an expansion...

UK: Higher education holding; poised for growth in ELT

Foreign enrolment in British higher education has been essentially flat for the last couple of years. Meanwhile, student weeks in English Language Teaching (ELT) programmes fell by 13%...

Bangladesh: Middle class growth helping to drive demand for study abroad

South Asia – Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka – is home to about 25% of the world’s population. Perhaps somewhat overshadowed by its larger neighbours, Bangladesh nevertheless has...

Foreign enrolment hits new record in Australia

Australia’s international student enrolment hit a new high in 2016 to reach a total of 554,179 for the year. The latest data from the Australian Department of Education...

Kenya cracks down in sweeping review of higher education quality

A sweeping audit of Kenyan universities has found widespread issues with respect to student admissions, progression, and the awarding of degrees and certificates. Carried out by the Kenyan...

A closer look at the Turkish outbound market

While official statistics do not fully map the number of outbound students from Turkey, it is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s top sending markets with an...

EU applications to UK higher education down 7% for 2017

Earlier this month, higher education delegates to the British Parliament’s Exiting the European Union Committee provided further evidence of declining volumes of admissions applications from EU students. Speaking to...

US: The link between public funding and international student recruitment

With international students paying up to three times as much in tuition as in-state residents, public research universities in the United States are increasingly turning to foreign student...

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