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Search and SEO

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Move Over Google: Social media is also a search engine The following feature is adapted from the 2024 edition of ICEF Insights magazine. The digital edition of the...
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Search analysis tracks student interest in English-taught degree programmes in Europe Studyportals has released a new high-level summary of student demand for degree programmes in Europe. The findings are...
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Google is building a super app that aims to integrate search and booking Google Maps is reportedly evolving into a “super app” that will likely affect how students and educators find...
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SEO: Why it’s so important in student recruitment and 10 simple tips to get started Recent research shows that online search is a major factor in students’ discovery and choice of education institution....
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Part 1: Keyword research: Matching intent with results Editor’s note: We begin a two-part series on keyword research today. The following post focuses on a topic...
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Using Google Ads for international recruitment: Measuring results with key indicators The following guest post is an advance excerpt from the forthcoming book “Successful student recruitment with Google Ads”....
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Search trends playing an increasing role in international education marketing Google continues to produce fascinating research on education-related search, and the growing body of data and analysis in...
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Part 2: Keyword research: Building your toolkit Editor’s note: Today’s post is the second in a two-part series on keyword research. Part 1 focuses on...
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LinkedIn rolls out new school selection services for prospective students Professional social networking site LinkedIn has introduced some impressive new services for its high school and university-aged users:...
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Online search and student choice: 80% of search queries do not convert We’ve just come across “Education Trends Through the Eyes of Your Customer: Tracing the Learner’s Digital Journey,” an...
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Google launches new college search feature LinkedIn has its University Pages, Facebook is partnering with community colleges, and now Google has quietly – to...
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Who moved my rankings? Changes in the SEO market The following is a guest post from Internet Advantage, an online marketing consultancy. Education, especially international education, was...
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