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Student Housing Finance

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Student housing investments jumped in 2022 but still lag behind demand A new report from online booking service Amber Student focuses on trends in student housing in three key...
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What if there is no room? The link between student housing and enrolment capacity A recent blog post from Alex Usher, president of the industry consultancy Higher Education Strategy Associates, makes a...
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Hong Kong needs to build more student housing In his October 2023 address, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee set out some ambitious goals for the...
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Making the link between housing and student wellbeing According to QS’s 2019 International Student Survey, 60% of prospective international students were influenced by housing choices when...
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Significant student housing shortages reported in the Netherlands Many students planning on going to the Netherlands this year for study will face a challenge in securing...
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Student housing market shows its strength as demand surges Affordable, quality student housing is an important dimension of capacity for any study destination. More limited housing supply...
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Housing issues persist in a number of student cities Rising energy costs, inflation, and surging interest rates are all contributing to a student housing crunch in many...
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Global investment in student housing reaches new heights The availability of suitable student housing looms large for many study destinations. The sector is now drawing significant...
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Global investment in student housing climbing but major gaps remain A global trends report from real estate services firm Savills highlights the continuing growth in private investment in...
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Homeward bound: The growing global investment in student housing The past decade has seen a growing trend of private investment in education. Private money has been flowing...
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Ireland moves to expand student housing stock Demand for housing in Ireland, and student housing in particular, considerably outstrips supply. There is an estimated shortage...
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Major investments forecast in “blended living” student accommodation In early November in Berlin, the Class of 2020 – a think tank focused on the future of living,...
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