Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Mapping student pathways from Australian language programmes

Mapping student pathways from Australian language programmes

A new report from Australia’s Department of Education contains highly relevant information on the study pathways international students take in the Australian education system. The report reveals the...

US educators, student leaders, and governments combine forces to improve campus safety

US educators, student leaders, and governments combine forces to improve campus safety

It is well established that safety is a key concern for both international students and parents and an issue that weighs heavily in the choice of institution and...

Eighth annual Agent Barometer survey gathers insights from 104 countries

Eighth annual Agent Barometer survey gathers insights from 104 countries

The results from the 2014 installment of the ICEF i-graduate Agent Barometer – the most comprehensive survey of education agents regarding their perspectives on the international education markets...

Number of Vietnamese students abroad up 15% in 2013

Number of Vietnamese students abroad up 15% in 2013

We have published two significant updates on Vietnam over the past 18 months. The first, a guest post from market specialist and international educator Dr Mark Ashwill, provides...

Everybody’s doing it: social proof and recruitment marketing

Everybody’s doing it: social proof and recruitment marketing

The Wall Street Journal tells the story of a peer-reviewed study that measured the impact of different messages designed to convince residents of one Californian town to, of...

The substitution effect of transnational education on international student mobility

The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE) recently published a paper entitled, Transnational education vs international student mobility: Substitutes or distinct markets? It presents preliminary research on the...

Market Snapshot: Egypt

The North African nation of Egypt has experienced extreme turbulence in recent years, with mass protest, a coup d’etat, and economic turmoil. With 60% of the population below...

India’s supply-demand gap in education expected to drive international mobility

India’s position as a key player in global student mobility is set to grow in the next decade, according to a recent report. Meanwhile, proposed reforms to India’s...

Millennial international students rely on digital channels and networks

A new report from World Education Services (WES) highlights the ways in which international Millennials – international students between the ages of 17 and 36 – seek out information...

International student mobility and the Ebola outbreak

The Ebola outbreak began in Guinea in March this year and in the months following it spread to three other countries: Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. Isolated cases...

Women increasingly outpacing men’s higher education participation in many world markets

It used to be that men were overrepresented in higher education, but that trend has been changing for several years now. In the 1990s, in many parts of...

Danish reforms will impact both domestic and international students

Denmark is in the grip of a productivity crisis. Economic growth has been slow to nil in recent years and sluggish productivity, expert say, is to blame. The...

Outbound mobility gathering steam in the Philippines

The number of Philippine students studying abroad is up sharply in recent years, fuelled by a rapidly growing economy, high levels of youth unemployment, strong outbound migration, and...

New report forecasts postgraduate mobility trends through 2024

The British Council has just released a report – Postgraduate student mobility trends to 2024 – that forecasts the contributions of 23 source markets to international postgraduate student...

Number of outbound German students up sharply in recent years

Recent data from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) points to a significant increase in the number of German students going abroad. The number of German students enrolled...

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