Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 2d 16h 49m 0s
Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "canada"

Record-high English language enrolment in Australia

Australia’s surging ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) sector saw another strong year of enrolment growth last year, and the latest data suggests the trend is...

Global parents’ survey: three quarters would consider university abroad

A newly released survey of 5,550 parents in 16 countries around the world finds that most – 77% – would consider sending their child abroad for either undergraduate...

Retention, recruitment, and the importance of supporting students’ transition to work

International students are in many ways “model immigrants” for their host countries. They are young and educated; they speak the language and have had an extended experience of...

Trends in study abroad for Mexican students

If all goes according to plan, Mexico may soon send more students to the US than any other country in the world besides China (currently 274,439) and India...

India reports strong growth in outbound for 2014; edges China for first time

A new student mobility report finds that the number of Indian students going overseas was up sharply in 2014. This reverses a four-year trend of declining student numbers...

International students return net benefit of £2.3 billion to London universities

London has more top-ranked universities than any other city in the world, and it consequently is a magnet for international students. A new report produced by the UK-based...

Chinese enrolment in the US shifting increasingly to undergraduate studies

Chinese students are flocking to American higher education institutions. According to the latest Open Doors data from the Institute of International Education (IIE), 274,439 students from China studied...

Research paints a clearer picture of international secondary students in the US

A July 2014 report commissioned by the Center for Academic Mobility Research and Impact at the Institute for International Education (IIE) finds that the number of inbound international...

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