Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 2d 14h 40m 58s
Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "canada"

2015 Agent Barometer survey yields new insights on student concerns and growing impact of online

Results from the 2015 installment of the ICEF i-graduate Agent Barometer are now in, and this year education agents’ responses are significantly different in some areas than in...

Bangladesh struggling to keep up with demand for higher education

The South Asian nation of Bangladesh is one of the world’s most densely populated countries. Currently the eighth-largest state by population, Bangladesh is home to more than 160...

Agent perspectives on the changing Ukrainian market

Editor’s note: We are updating our video channels and the videos linked below are temporarily unavailable. Our most recent update on Ukraine focused on an ambitious package of...

Russia moving to expand international student recruitment

On Monday this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin stepped on to the green marble dais in the United Nations General Assembly Hall for his first address to the...

Survey says post-study work options a major factor in choice of destination

The recommendations attached to the latest survey from Hobsons conclude with a stark warning for UK policymakers: “Failure by government to improve the current status of [post-study] work...

Brazil’s Science Without Borders programme facing cuts in 2016

Short on time? Here are the highlights: A weakening economy has led to a 40.3% budget cut in Brazil’s Science Without Borders programme The programme is effectively frozen...

K-12 international school enrolment surpasses four million worldwide

We are pleased to present the following guest post from Anne Keeling, who handles media relations and marketing for The International School Consultancy (ISC), a marketing intelligence and...

Four trends that are shaping the future of global student mobility

Every now and then, we find it helpful to step back from the steady tide of market reports and information and think about some of the larger trends...

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