Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 2d 13h 39m 16s
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Iran’s university enrolment is booming. Now what?

The population of Iran grew rapidly following the Islamic Revolution of 1979. It is estimated at about 80 million people today, with roughly 60% aged 30 or younger....

New OECD report summarises global mobility trends

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released its annual report on global education trends last week. Education at a Glance 2015 draws on a wealth of...

Under pressure: Changing markets and the evolution of the university

This article is adapted and reprinted with permission from a special commemorative magazine produced to mark the 20th anniversary of the ICEF Berlin Workshop. We have all read...

Myanmar opening up to foreign investment and international education

Myanmar held its first free nationwide election in 25 years earlier this month, and the 8 November vote saw opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for...

Online video marketing in 2015: Be everywhere

In marketing circles today, the two words on everyone’s lips are “mobile” and “video.” Both trends are linked to the changing way consumers are accessing and communicating on...

Finding opportunities within crisis in Brazil

Brazil is one of the most important emerging economies in the world, and, by extension, an education market of great importance as well. It is by far the...

The state of international student mobility in 2015

This article is reprinted with permission from a special commemorative magazine produced to mark the 20th anniversary of the ICEF Berlin Workshop. As you read this, five million...

Language education quality assurers form new global network

A new global association of quality assurance agencies for the language teaching sector has formed this year. The Quality Assurance in Language Education Network (QALEN) brings together quality...

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