Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 2d 15h 41m 0s
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Search results for: "canada"

Scottish educators aiming for expanded post-graduation work rights

We all now know that the September 2014 Scottish referendum ended with a majority vote (55.3%) against the proposition that Scotland establish itself as an independent country. Even...

Kuwait: Expanded scholarship support helping to drive growth in outbound mobility

An oil-rich country in the Middle East, Kuwait is sending its students abroad in growing numbers following several years of economic growth and expanded government scholarships for overseas...

UK losing share in global ELT market

An expanded study of English Language Training (ELT) in the UK provides further evidence that Britain is losing share in the global ELT marketplace. The report sheds new...

The Brazilian market for English language learning

The Brazilian government has in recent years been working to boost higher education participation, increasing demand for overseas study, and extending the reach of STEM learning (Science, Technology,...

Chinese economy shifting but demand for study abroad expected to remain strong

It has been a tumultuous summer for the Chinese economy. The roller coaster ride started when the Chinese stock market crashed in late June. Stock values fell off...

Demand for study abroad in Venezuela hampered by currency controls

Venezuela is an international education market that has shown significant growth in recent years, but economic troubles and political tensions have spilled into all sectors of society. These...

Ukraine: Education reforms and demand for study abroad continuing to take shape

The Ukrainian government passed an ambitious higher education reform package into law on 1 July 2014, marking a major turning point for an education system that, as the...

New Nigerian government aims to confront education challenges

Nigeria derives 70% of its government revenue from crude oil sales and so the collapse of world oil prices over the past year is a significant challenge –...

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