Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 2d 0h 31m 46s
Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "canada"

Brazilian outbound grew in 2016

After a tough 2015, Brazilian outbound shows signs of a return to growth through 2016. A recent survey estimates that...

German outbound for language study dipped in 2016

Total language travel bookings for German students are estimated to have declined by 2% in 2016...

Early reports of increased international yield for Canadian universities

Following on from previous reports of dramatic increases in international applications to Canadian universities this year, we are now seeing the first indications of corresponding growth in yield for...

Survey finds prospective students put the emphasis on welcome and teaching quality

A survey of 62,000 prospective international students finds that the degree to which a study destination...

Measuring up: Global market share and national targets in international education

Within an overall context of significant growth, the share of internationally mobile students...

Germany’s foreign enrolment continues to grow

Germany can see 350,000 from here. That is the number of students that the country aims to host by 2020, and the latest figures from the German Academic...

Canadian universities reporting a bump in applications for 2017

Official national statistics have yet to be announced for 2016 - and won’t...

UK: Higher education holding; poised for growth in ELT

Foreign enrolment in British higher education has been essentially flat for the last couple of years. Meanwhile, student weeks in English Language Teaching (ELT) programmes fell by 13%...

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