Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 2d 2h 29m 36s
Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "canada"

Are you receiving me? Leading destinations aim to send more students abroad

A number of major study destinations have launched national initiatives to expand...

Foreign enrolment surging in China

China has long been the world’s most important sending market for international students. Indeed, burgeoning Chinese enrolments have driven much of the growth in international student numbers for...

Survey finds travel ban influencing agents’ view of US

In a January 2017 interview with Times Higher Education Institute of International Education President Allan Goodman downplayed the hot political rhetoric of the US presidential campaign and its...

Foreign enrolment hits new record in Australia

Australia’s international student enrolment hit a new high in 2016 to reach a total of 554,179 for the year. The latest data from the Australian Department of Education...

Watch for shifts in Indian outbound this year

India has been a major driver of growth in overall mobility, and particularly so over the last few years. While it is perhaps somewhat overshadowed by China – which...

Montreal tops global list of student cities

The latest ranking of study destinations scores 125 cities around the world according to the ranking of their higher education institutions, attractiveness to international students, affordability, and employer...

A closer look at the Turkish outbound market

While official statistics do not fully map the number of outbound students from Turkey, it is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s top sending markets with an...

Four types of “ROI content” every college website should have

The following is a guest post from Higher Education Marketing, a digital marketing agency based in Montreal, Canada. It was originally presented on the Higher Education Marketing blog and...

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