Driven by continuing strong numbers from China and a notable expansion of Indian enrolments, Canada hosted a record...
The UK and European Union reached an important milestone in the Brexit talks last month. On 19 March, negotiators formalised an agreement for a 21-month transition period running...
With so many student recruitment channels in play these days, it can be a challenge to keep up with best practice in all areas...
Official figures appear to understate Nepalese outbound at roughly 44,000 in 2017, whereas the actual number is...
Indonesia has a long-running, on-again-off-again strategy to open up its higher education system to foreign providers. The legislation that provides for such foreign participation in higher education delivery...
Ten of the 14 institutes of technology in Ireland have embarked on a process that will lead to the establishment of up to four new...
Driven by continuing strong numbers from China and a notable expansion of Indian enrolments, Canada hosted a record...
A global survey of study abroad applicants finds that the US and UK remain the preferred study destination of a majority...
New data from the US State Department points to a marked decrease in the number of F-1 visas issued to international students in 2017. The F-1 visa class...
International enrolment in Australia reached a new high in 2017, with 13% growth over the year before and a total count of...
One of the very interesting stories in higher education this decade is the continuing expansion of English-taught programmes...
Having tallied “on time” applications to British universities for the 2018/19 academic year, the UK application...
Nobody is entirely sure how many Sri Lankan students go abroad each year, but the feeling among some observers is that the official counts offered by important data sources...
Like the US, Australia, the UK, Japan, and Canada – as well as other leading study abroad destinations –Taiwan is highly dependent on Chinese enrolments as a proportion...
Based on global population and economic forecasts for the next decade, annual growth in outbound student numbers is...
The latest data from Japan suggests that the number of outbound students grew by roughly 15% between...