Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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France launches new international recruitment strategy

France launches new international recruitment strategy

The strategy emphasises a streamlining of visa processing, strengthening of student services, and expanded investment...

The new rules of digital marketing

The new rules of digital marketing

Both agents and educators have reported a steady increase over the past three years in the number of students recruited via...

Checking in on Turkish outbound

Checking in on Turkish outbound

In a year of political and economic challenges, Turkey continues to show strong demand for study abroad...

International student numbers reach new record in the US but commencements down again this year

International student numbers reach new record in the US but commencements down again this year

For the 12th consecutive year, international student numbers...

German outbound for language study: Revenues up with numbers holding steady

German outbound for language study: Revenues up with numbers holding steady

A survey of German education agents reveals that revenues are up in outbound language travel, with more modest growth in...

Diversification and the next five markets

After more than a decade of rapid expansion in international enrolments, the focus in major study destinations – and for many institutions – is turning more and more to diversification....

Global investment in student housing climbing but major gaps remain

A global trends report from real estate services firm Savills highlights the continuing growth in private investment in student housing, but also reveals that significant demand-supply gaps remain...

Attracting students who stay

A roundup of what seven countries are doing to attract foreign students and to make it easier for them to work after graduating...

US admissions directors concerned about international enrolment

An annual survey of senior US college admissions staff finds continuing pressure on both domestic and international enrolments at many institutions. The 2018 Survey of College and University...

How accommodation features and amenities affect student decision making

When students consider where to study, of course they think about quality of education, about post-study employment opportunities, and about making connections for life. But they also think...

Four changes that are shaping the Chinese market

There are a number of important factors that are combining to shape Chinese outbound trends...

New surveys highlight key elements of agent-educator relationships

Findings from two recent survey efforts highlight some key aspects of effective agency-educator relationships. In Agent-University Partnerships: The State of the Field and Commission Structure in 2018, the...

Regional demand variations taking hold in graduate business studies

For the second year in a row, a global survey is highlighting important regional shifts in application volumes for graduate studies in business. The newly released (and 19th...

Study projects dramatic growth for global higher education through 2040

A newly updated study maps the continuing growth in global demand for higher education through 2040, and anticipates that by that point there will be nearly 600 million...

Foreign graduate enrolment in the US dips for second year in a row

Foreign students occupy nearly one in five (18.5%) seats in American graduate schools. But their numbers started to decline marginally in 2016 and now the latest data from...

Most Recent

  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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