Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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New national statistics compare education and student mobility in over 40 countries

New national statistics compare education and student mobility in over 40 countries

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has released the 2012 edition of Education at a Glance, which enables countries to see themselves in the light of...

Engaging your alumni in international student recruitment

Engaging your alumni in international student recruitment

“Most businesses find that their best customers come from other customers’ referrals or “word of mouth” advertising.  Why would it be any different with international [student] recruiting?” —...

What does an expanding field of transnational education options mean for traditional recruitment models?

What does an expanding field of transnational education options mean for traditional recruitment models?

The evolution of the transnational education model (TNE) increasingly factors as yet another dimension of a richly varied and competitive international education marketplace. Not so long ago, transnational...

Multi-year trends from the Agent Barometer global agent survey

Multi-year trends from the Agent Barometer global agent survey

The ICEF i-graduate Agent Barometer is a unique annual survey of education agents around the world, and a joint venture of ICEF and i-graduate, a leading market research...

Student and staff mobility strategies in European universities

Student and staff mobility strategies in European universities

A recent European University Association (EUA) report, “Mobility: Closing the gap between policy and practice,” is the outcome of a two-year project, known as MAUNIMO (Mapping University Mobility...

One in five Russian universities to close by 2014

Major international rankings have historically overlooked Russian universities, and this has apparently galvanised the Putin government to move forward with what promises to be the country’s biggest shake-up...

Singapore’s “carefully calibrated” expansion plans

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has announced that the proportion of young people attending higher education will rise to 40% by 2020 compared to 27% now, with...

New 2035 enrolment forecasts place East Asia and the Pacific in the lead

University World News is reporting that growth predicted from 2000-30 is likely to be higher than that experienced between 1970 and 2000. The number of students enroled in...

Key growth drivers behind increasing enrolment in Gulf states

Quality education is essential in the economic development of any nation. This fact is clearly evidenced from past experiences of countries/regions such as Singapore, Ireland, Korea, and the...

The rising profile of college certificates

A recent study from Georgetown University finds that the certificate is the fastest-growing form of college credential in the US as well as an important factor in labour...

New reports on student decision making from India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt and Turkey

How do international students make the decision to study abroad? Do parents play an influential role? How do a student’s career goals play into the equation? And what...

Preferred recruitment strategies of US graduate schools

In March 2012, the US higher education consulting firm Noel-Levitz and The National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals (NAGAP) conducted an online survey of the recruitment practices of...

How higher education uses social media

Within the last few years, as social media becomes more integral to students’ lives, educational institutions have begun embracing its use more and more. A recent article from...

New report examines demand for H-1B highly skilled worker visas in US metropolitan areas

The H-1B programme allows US employers to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations for a temporary period of time. The Brookings Institute, a nonprofit public policy organisation based...

Scholarships and social change in Saudi Arabia

Wearing the black face-covering veil favoured by Saudi women, Maha Mazyad looked through leaflets for prospective jobs with some of the Islamic kingdom’s largest companies at a recent...

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  • Germany recovers an 8x return on investment in international students Read More
  • New Zealand resource aims to connect prospective international students with qualified agents Read More

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