Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

postgraduate student recruitment Page 44 of 103

Interest in study abroad picking up again in Japan

Interest in study abroad picking up again in Japan

Even as the country continues its efforts towards its ambitious Global 30 programme – an effort to bring 300,000 international students to Japan by 2020 – there are...

How much influence does accommodation have on student recruitment?

How much influence does accommodation have on student recruitment?

The variety and quality of accommodations educational institutions offer are presumed to factor into the mix of reasons why prospective students select certain schools. Is this true? And...

What will the new Australian government mean for the higher education sector?

What will the new Australian government mean for the higher education sector?

“International education is at a crucial turning point in Australia, and governments have two choices. They can persist with a fragmented, unhurried approach to managing global shifts in...

LinkedIn instantly gets more relevant with launch of University Pages

LinkedIn instantly gets more relevant with launch of University Pages

Over the last few months we have written extensively about the increasing demand for higher education institutions to link their programming to industry and to prove that their...

Reports indicate a significant drop in the average age of Chinese students abroad

Reports indicate a significant drop in the average age of Chinese students abroad

Concerns over fierce competition in national college entrance exams, the prestige of an overseas education, and increasing financial means are continuing to fuel demand for study abroad in...

Does your recruiting include transfer students?

So much of international student recruitment is concerned with attracting new students from their countries of origin, but what about recruitment from within the very significant populations of...

New Zealand enrolment down in 2013 as private sector falls off

A new report on international education in New Zealand reveals that total international enrolment for the first four months of 2013 declined by 3% against the same period...

US graduate admissions up again this year but applications slowing

Updated data released by the US Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) in August reveals that initial offers of admission from American graduate schools to prospective international students increased...

Reaching prospects by email and boosting open rates

So many communication channels these days, so little time (and attention!) to go around. But while much of the focus of late is on social media, content marketing,...

Brazilian students explore new destinations abroad

BELTA regularly conducts market research on the international education and exchange market in Brazil, and given that BELTA agencies represent approximately 90% of the global education market in...

Focus on the future: Transformation for higher education in Wales

This past year has been a tumultuous time for education in Wales – resignations, mergers and exam changes have made for eye-catching headlines. Amid the seeming chaos is...

President Obama calls for new rating system for US colleges

President Obama outlined a plan last week to establish a new rating system for US colleges, and announced as well his intention to eventually link federal student aid...

South Korean student mobility takes a dip

South Korea has traditionally been one of the world’s most robust sending markets, surpassed in numbers of students abroad only by China and India, but recent information suggests...

Have we reached an inflection point for mobile marketing in student recruitment?

Mobile marketing is hardly a new idea. Indeed, considerable ink has been spilled in the general press and otherwise as to the rising share of Internet traffic claimed...

Nielsen studies highlight value of education, illustrate growing consumer confidence

“With 7 billion people living in the world, new findings from a Nielsen global survey revealed that when it comes to core fundamental lifestyle values centred on family, education...

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  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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