Perched along the southwest coast of Africa, Angola is a country that had conjured up images of a decades-long civil war, and a nation struggling with the aftermath...
Mexico is first and foremost a Latin American nation, yet it is also geographically part of North America and its efforts to build student mobility initiatives have recently...
The number of US post-secondary students studying abroad has roughly doubled in each of the past two decades, growing from 71,000 in 1989/90 to 144,000 in 1999/2000 and...
We are closing out 2014 by carrying on a tradition that we began in 2013: a review of our must-read posts from the past year. We’ve gathered the...
After years of flat or declining international enrolment, New Zealand began to turn the corner in 2013. More specifically, after a tough start to the year – which...
Russia is in the midst of a currency crisis. The rouble has lost half its value year-to-date, falling from 32.65 per US$1 on 6 January to 59.60 as...
Perched along the southwest coast of Africa, Angola is a country that had conjured up images of a decades-long civil war, and a nation struggling with the aftermath...
India is planning a massive expansion of its higher education system over the next decade. The Indian government has a stated goal to increase higher education participation rates...
Editor’s note: The original version of this story reported on recent developments in Finland that had the Finnish government poised to introduce tuition fees for students from outside...
ICEF Monitor has noted in the past that Colombia is an important country in international education. Local indicators continue to point upward: the public education budget is set...
What’s the most popular social network in the world? Facebook – still Facebook. But GlobalWebIndex’s most recent tracking study (for Q3 2014) on social networking behaviours and engagement...
France welcomed 295,084 foreign students in 2013/14 for an increase of 3.5% over the reported 2010/11 enrolment of 284,945. The country has established an ambitious goal to double...
A recent guest post from Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE) researcher Dr Vangelis Tsiligiris explored the impact of transnational education (TNE) programmes on international student enrolment in...
A new report from the Paris-based OECD secretariat, Skills beyond school: synthesis report, OECD reviews of vocational education and training, attests to a growing recognition that around the...
The following is a guest post by COO Ben Waxman and Academic Advisor Lisa Cynamon Mayers of International Education Advantage (Intead). The authors greatly appreciate the research support...
At the recent annual conference of the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), officials from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) reported on the continuing implementation of previously announced...