Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 1d 15h 48m 18s
Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "canada"

UK higher education under pressure

After first easing controls on student head counts in 2012, the government moved to eliminate caps on undergraduate student numbers for English universities in 2015. The idea was to...

Slower growth and more intense competition in global ELT market

Overall volumes of English language training, as measured in student numbers and student weeks, have been essentially flat...

Employability and competition driving Indian demand for study abroad

Recent surveys and interviews highlight the importance of career goals in the decision making of Indian students...

Parliamentary report adds to momentum for UK policy changes

A recently released British parliamentary report calls for a new international strategy to boost the UK’s competitiveness in international student markets. The report, authored by the All-Party Parliamentary...

Checking in on Turkish outbound

In a year of political and economic challenges, Turkey continues to show strong demand for study abroad...

International student numbers reach new record in the US but commencements down again this year

For the 12th consecutive year, international student numbers...

2018 Agent Barometer: Global survey tracks agent perspectives on destinations, online learning, alumni, and student experience

Findings from the 12th annual ICEF i-graduate Agent Barometer were released this week at ICEF Berlin. The 2018 survey was administered over August and September this year, resulting in...

Diversification and the next five markets

After more than a decade of rapid expansion in international enrolments, the focus in major study destinations – and for many institutions – is turning more and more to diversification....

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