Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

undergraduate student recruitment Page 37 of 71

Focus on the future: Transformation for higher education in Wales

Focus on the future: Transformation for higher education in Wales

This past year has been a tumultuous time for education in Wales – resignations, mergers and exam changes have made for eye-catching headlines. Amid the seeming chaos is...

International survey says Australia is most expensive study destination

International survey says Australia is most expensive study destination

HSBC released a study last week that looked at tuition and living costs in 13 international study destinations worldwide. The results? Australia, the survey says, is the most...

Qatar: a regional market with the potential to surprise

Qatar: a regional market with the potential to surprise

The Middle East continues to show why it is becoming an increasing focus for student recruiters. While the UAE and Saudi Arabia often stand out as the most...

Mexico’s higher education sector eyeing expansion

Mexico’s higher education sector eyeing expansion

Recently, Mexico and the United States announced new education links and agreed that improved student mobility in both directions could produce strong long term benefits for both countries....

New data shows value of education rises during economic crisis

New data shows value of education rises during economic crisis

The employment gap between young people who left high school early and those who completed post-secondary education has continued to widen during the global economic crisis. New data...

Part 2: How to involve students’ parents in recruitment for study abroad

At the end of the last post we did on involving the parents of international students in the recruiting process, we wrote: “Parents may be sending their children...

Falling rupee drives up costs for Indian students; Delhi makes the switch to four-year degrees

Can we be surprised that in a country of the size and importance of India that there is never any shortage of educational news? Its population of more...

Sharing the spirit of your institution with Argentine agencies

A little over 9,300 Argentine students were studying abroad in 2010 in destinations such as Spain, the US, Cuba, France and Brazil. In order to learn more about...

Part 1: How to engage students’ parents during recruitment and study abroad

We’ve talked before on ICEF Monitor about the role of parents in decision making for study abroad – something even more important where younger students are concerned. Today’s...

Mystery shopper experiment reveals best practices in communication strategies

We recently sat down for an interview with Mrs Lisa Cynamon Mayers, an academic advisor with Intead (International Education Advantage). Intead is a full-service consulting, strategy and digital...

New report raises alarm regarding declining enrolment in UK

Concerns remain high over the British government’s tightened visa rules as they relate to the perception of the UK as a study abroad destination; their effect on applications...

US calls for feedback on conditional admissions policy by 7 June

Editor’s Note: The deadline has been extended to 14 June 2013. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has opened a call for stakeholder feedback on its draft...

SAT demand surging abroad as College Board announces redesign

Two unrelated stories about the SAT (formally the SAT Reasoning Test and one of two major standardised exams for US college admissions) have caught our attention in recent...

Canada aims to streamline student visa processing

Canada is accepting more and more international students, and more of those international students are deciding to immigrate – recent data from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) shows....

8 tips for better content marketing on social media sites

Virtually everyone knows that consumers – including students – have little time for traditional marketing. Students don’t want to be pushed or sold to, even when they are...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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