Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Did growth in outbound Chinese mobility really slow in 2013?

Did growth in outbound Chinese mobility really slow in 2013?

China is by far the world’s largest source market for international students. Chinese students account for 32% of international enrolment in Canada, 29% of all foreign students in...

Record-high international enrolment in Canada in 2013; many students plan to stay

Record-high international enrolment in Canada in 2013; many students plan to stay

In January of this year, Canada launched its International Education Strategy with an expressed goal to double international enrolment to 450,000 students by 2022. According to new data...

Pricing education in an era of increasing competitiveness and student expectations

Pricing education in an era of increasing competitiveness and student expectations

At a time when educational options for young students are more numerous and varied than ever before, institutions and schools are under increasing pressure to: Set effective, sustainable...

Open Doors 2014: International enrolment in US continues to grow; economic impact now estimated at US$27 billion

Open Doors 2014: International enrolment in US continues to grow; economic impact now estimated at US$27 billion

The US recorded its eighth consecutive year of international enrolment growth last year, expanding 8% in 2013/14 to reach a record high of 886,052 students. Those students generated...

Four predictions for digital marketing in 2015

Four predictions for digital marketing in 2015

With 2015 almost upon us, it is high time that we turned our minds to predicting how digital marketing will continue to take shape in the year ahead....

Survey shows growing interest in education agents among US colleges

International students, already so key to the internationalisation goals and revenue streams of many American institutions, seem poised to become even more important in the world’s leading study...

Study reveals most popular online recruiting strategies of US colleges

The always-insightful consulting and research firm Noel-Levitz is out this year with two new studies that nicely add to the current research on online recruiting practices and the...

Mapping student pathways from Australian language programmes

A new report from Australia’s Department of Education contains highly relevant information on the study pathways international students take in the Australian education system. The report reveals the...

Eighth annual Agent Barometer survey gathers insights from 104 countries

The results from the 2014 installment of the ICEF i-graduate Agent Barometer – the most comprehensive survey of education agents regarding their perspectives on the international education markets...

Everybody’s doing it: social proof and recruitment marketing

The Wall Street Journal tells the story of a peer-reviewed study that measured the impact of different messages designed to convince residents of one Californian town to, of...

The substitution effect of transnational education on international student mobility

The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE) recently published a paper entitled, Transnational education vs international student mobility: Substitutes or distinct markets? It presents preliminary research on the...

Market Snapshot: Egypt

The North African nation of Egypt has experienced extreme turbulence in recent years, with mass protest, a coup d’etat, and economic turmoil. With 60% of the population below...

Remodeling MOOCs in 2014

Since the first wave of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) around 2012, hypotheses about their impact have abounded, and have changed over time. So too have emotions about...

India’s supply-demand gap in education expected to drive international mobility

India’s position as a key player in global student mobility is set to grow in the next decade, according to a recent report. Meanwhile, proposed reforms to India’s...

Millennial international students rely on digital channels and networks

A new report from World Education Services (WES) highlights the ways in which international Millennials – international students between the ages of 17 and 36 – seek out information...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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