Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

undergraduate student recruitment Page 31 of 71

Virtual tours growing in popularity

Virtual tours growing in popularity

Why do international students choose a certain university or school? Major factors are word-of-mouth and an institution’s prestige – influential especially for the many students who aren’t able...

Number of Korean students abroad declines for third straight year

Number of Korean students abroad declines for third straight year

In recent years, South Korea has been one of the world’s largest sources of internationally mobile students (in the US, for example, only China and India send more)....

Morocco still aiming to boost education quality and access

Morocco still aiming to boost education quality and access

Last fall, we reported on planned education reforms for the Kingdom of Morocco, changes designed to improve quality and access, meet high market demand, and address growing student...

Managing growth and maintaining standards in international branch campuses

Managing growth and maintaining standards in international branch campuses

The number of international branch campuses worldwide continues to grow. This is in some respects a natural result of institutions continuing to expand their global partnerships, and of...

Australia’s international enrolment recovery is real

Australia’s international enrolment recovery is real

Australia reversed a three-year enrolment decline in 2013, registering a modest increase of 2.6% in total international student numbers and a much more noticeable bounce (9.3%) in student...

Targeting demand for study abroad in Chile

Chile’s growing economy and stable politics have led to a steady increase in the number of students going abroad over the past several years. However, with economic growth...

Nigeria projected to be one of the world’s fastest-growing markets for postgraduate studies

At some point in the early part of this decade, Nigeria surpassed Morocco as the leading source of internationally mobile students in Africa. UNESCO tells us that just...

Dutch government rolls out international scholarship programme

The Dutch government released a new strategy for international education in July 2014, built around the idea of expanding student mobility, transnational education initiatives, and international partnerships for...

Student visa fraud in Australia up sharply since 2012

Australia has seen a dramatic increase in the number of international student visas cancelled or under review over the last three years. The Australian is reporting a surge...

US institutions expanding joint and dual degree arrangements abroad

A recent UK report found that about a third of all international undergraduate students in England transferred from programmes delivered offshore. Another Canadian survey notes that the number...

National survey shows Canadian universities more focused on internationalisation

A significant majority of Canadian universities – 82% – now place internationalisation among their top five strategic priorities, says a new survey of Canada’s degree-granting institutions. This represents...

Starting from scratch: Afghanistan continues to build its education system

In December 2001, after more than two decades of armed conflict, Afghanistan’s Taliban government was toppled and a new administration formed under President Humid Karzai. As 2002 began,...

Foreign enrolment in UK up modestly last year

There is some bright news for the British higher education sector: newly released Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) statistics show that enrolment by non-EU students increased by 3%...

Political uncertainty in Thailand slows planned education reforms

In the wake of the spring 2014 coup that installed a military junta in power, Thailand’s much-touted education reforms remain a work in progress. Despite significant government investments...

Global review maps the state of MOOCs in 2014

Expectations for MOOCs have been shaped by offsetting waves of enthusiasm and skepticism over the past couple of years. At some point during 2014, however, the market began...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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