Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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More than one million international students in the US

More than one million international students in the US

The Institute of International Education (IIE) released its landmark summary of international student enrolment in the US today: the annual Open Doors Report on International Education Exchange. The...

US ELT providers reporting enrolment declines this year

US ELT providers reporting enrolment declines this year

Intensive English Programmes (IEPs) across the US are experiencing deep declines in enrolments, pushing administrators to look for new markets, develop new partners, and be more resourceful in...

An agent’s view of recruiting in Pakistan

An agent’s view of recruiting in Pakistan

Pakistan sent nearly 40,000 students abroad for higher education in 2013, mainly to the UK, Australia, the US, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Canada, Germany, and Malaysia. The college-aged...

A regional perspective on student recruitment in MENA

A regional perspective on student recruitment in MENA

The countries of the Middle East and North Africa region, or MENA, have fast-growing youth populations that continue to drive growing demand for higher education. The region has...

New survey explores impact of economic pressures on study abroad

New survey explores impact of economic pressures on study abroad

Preliminary findings from a new global student survey from FPP EDU Media and digital marketing firm International Education Advantage (Intead) were presented at the recent NAFSA conference in...

Chile continues to push for improved English proficiency

Demand for English Language Teaching (ELT) in Chile is strong, largely driven by the need for English-speaking professionals, academics, and technicians to staff its increasingly internationalised industries. Chile...

US educators following President Obama’s lead to open new links with Cuba

In March 2016, President Barack Obama became the first sitting US president in 88 years to travel to Cuba, signalling an ongoing commitment from both sides to improving...

US English programmes reporting declines in Saudi enrolment this year

International enrolment in US Intensive English Programmes (IEPs) has fallen off noticeably over the past year, due in part to changes in the Saudi scholarship programmes that have...

Report: Saudi scholarship programme to sharpen focus on top universities

Very few international education initiatives have had the impact of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Scholarship Programme (KASP). First established in 2005, the programme has sent hundreds of thousands...

Falling oil prices put Nigerian scholarship funding in doubt

In a worrying development for one of international education’s most important emerging markets, Nigerian students studying abroad on scholarships are reporting that they are not receiving the stipends...

Finland introduces university tuition fees for non-EU students

It has been a running “will they or won’t they” question for some time, but the Finnish Parliament has now imposed tuition fees for non-European Union students studying...

Sweden’s international student numbers up for the first time since 2011

The Swedish government moved to introduce higher education tuition fees for non-European Union/non-European Economic Area students in 2011, and foreign student enrolment in the country promptly took a...

From the field: Recruiting in Bolivia

Bolivia is a small, land-locked country of about 11 million people in South America. It generally does not enjoy the same prominence in international markets as do some...

Scholarships creating a culture of study abroad in Saudi Arabia

Editor’s note: We are updating our video channels and the videos linked below are temporarily unavailable. Tens of thousands of Saudi students have gone abroad over the past...

The relationship between currency exchange and student mobility

It has been a tumultuous year for the world economy, which in many quarters is still recovering from the deep economic shocks of the 2008 global economic crisis....

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  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
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