Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Ministry of Education Page 5 of 11

Spanish university entrance exam no longer required for foreign students

Spanish university entrance exam no longer required for foreign students

In a major change to the system of undergraduate admissions for Spanish universities, a royal decree recently removed the Selectividad exam as a mandatory entrance requirement for foreign...

 Libya struggling to meet massive demand for higher education

Libya struggling to meet massive demand for higher education

Libya has been marked by civil and political unrest in the years since the 2011 civil war that ended Muammar Gaddafi’s 42-year rule. In the wake of landmark...

Increasing momentum toward internationalisation in Saudi school system

Increasing momentum toward internationalisation in Saudi school system

Saudi Arabia has quickly become one of the most important international education markets in the world in recent years. It is now the fourth-largest source of foreign students...

Brazil extends Science Without Borders with 100,000 new scholarships

Brazil extends Science Without Borders with 100,000 new scholarships

Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff has announced a major extension of Brazil’s ambitious Science Without Borders programme (Ciência sem Fronteiras, or CsF – also known as the Brazil Scientific...

British investigation alleges systemic fraud in UK language testing

British investigation alleges systemic fraud in UK language testing

UK Minister for Immigration and Security James Brokenshire rose in the British House of Commons last week to make a dramatic announcement: A joint investigation by UK Visas...

Landslide election win in India ushers in education reforms

Narendra Modi’s overwhelming victory in India’s national elections last month offers new hope for reforms within the country’s massive education system. With a strong mandate to deliver change,...

Peru positioning to be the next big player in Latin America

Peru is a fast developing, tropical, Andean, and Pacific Rim country whose education sector is going through a tectonic shift. Those changes, some of which raise constitutional questions,...

Malaysia continues to build its position as a regional education hub

Against a backdrop of increasing education cooperation and mobility among ASEAN countries, Malaysia’s efforts to position itself as a key regional education hub have received a boost with...

Cloudy outlook for 2+2 programmes in China

The following is a guest post by Michael Waxman-Lenz, CEO and co-founder of International Education Advantage (Intead), a technology, marketing, and consulting firm specialising in international student enrolment....

Progressive Costa Rica looks to the future

The Republic of Costa Rica is known as one of the most stable, prosperous, and progressive nations in Latin America. The country’s higher education system produces more than...

Boosting Brazilian demand for long-term overseas study

It should come as no surprise that Brazil is on the minds of many. The country continues to emerge as a major world economy and is set to...

Ambitious Israeli students look to top institutions abroad

In 2012 the OECD named Israel the second most educated country in the world, which suggests that it is home to prospective international students of the highest quality....

Political unrest in Thailand appears to boost interest in education abroad

The recent political upheaval in Thailand has made headlines around the world. Photos of protesters in the streets of Bangkok opposing government elections have been plastered across newspapers...

New Zealand continues targeted investments in international education

The New Zealand government announced a further NZ $465,000 in international education business development earlier this month with a second round of funding grants for the International Education...

France looks to education to help solve youth unemployment woes

Amid growing concerns about the economic situation of its young people, France is looking to the education sector to help address the country’s high youth unemployment rate. Youth...

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  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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