Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Denmark moving to strengthen international student recruitment

Denmark moving to strengthen international student recruitment

In September 2015, the Danish government unveiled a new Code of Conduct for educators outlining the requirements for offering university programmes to international students. The code, developed with...

Cuba at the crossroads of greater international engagement

Cuba at the crossroads of greater international engagement

Cuba has reached a pivotal point in its history. Signs of rapprochement with the United States and new economic opportunities have drawn the interest of international investors. Such...

Russia moving to expand international student recruitment

Russia moving to expand international student recruitment

On Monday this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin stepped on to the green marble dais in the United Nations General Assembly Hall for his first address to the...

Court ruling places US post-study STEM work rights at risk

Court ruling places US post-study STEM work rights at risk

A US federal court has set aside key post-study work provisions for foreign students in the US. In a 12 August 2015 ruling, Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle invalidated...

Japanese government asks universities to close social sciences and humanities faculties

Japanese government asks universities to close social sciences and humanities faculties

A recent survey of Japanese university presidents found that 26 of 60 national universities with social science and humanities programmes intend to close those departments during the 2016...

Brazil’s Science Without Borders programme facing cuts in 2016

Short on time? Here are the highlights: A weakening economy has led to a 40.3% budget cut in Brazil’s Science Without Borders programme The programme is effectively frozen...

Challenges in Vietnamese higher education contributing to demand for study abroad

A youthful population and a growing economy continue to fuel Vietnam’s status as one of the most important emerging education markets in Asia. But higher education capacity is...

Scottish educators aiming for expanded post-graduation work rights

We all now know that the September 2014 Scottish referendum ended with a majority vote (55.3%) against the proposition that Scotland establish itself as an independent country. Even...

Pakistan to expand university access across country

Pakistan’s Higher Education Committee (HEC) has announced plans to open five new universities and 36 sub-campuses over the next three years. A further nine existing campuses will also...

New Spanish proficiency exam launched

At a July ceremony at San Ildefonso College in Mexico City, three educational institutions – the Cervantes Institute, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and Spain’s University of...

Investments in education technology reaching new highs in 2015

You can count investment deals in the education technology sector a number of different ways, particularly depending on how you define “ed tech” in the first place. The...

Ukraine: Education reforms and demand for study abroad continuing to take shape

The Ukrainian government passed an ambitious higher education reform package into law on 1 July 2014, marking a major turning point for an education system that, as the...

New Nigerian government aims to confront education challenges

Nigeria derives 70% of its government revenue from crude oil sales and so the collapse of world oil prices over the past year is a significant challenge –...

Ireland introduces reforms to student immigration system

The Irish government has announced plans to proceed this year with major reforms to the country’s student immigration system. As many as ten private colleges closed in Ireland...

Strong growth in Japan’s foreign enrolment in 2014

After three years of minimal or no growth, Japan saw a notable spike in its foreign enrolment last year. The latest figures from the Japan Student Services Organisation...

Most Recent

  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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