Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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The uncertainty of Brexit

The uncertainty of Brexit

Theresa May has been the British Home Secretary, with responsibility for UK immigration, since 2010. In that role, and in pursuit of the Cameron government’s controversial “net migration”...

Thai demand for higher education cooling as population ages

Thai demand for higher education cooling as population ages

Thailand has been an attractive international education market for some time and continues to send substantial numbers of students for studies abroad, primarily to Australia, the US, and...

New Zealand’s international enrolment grew by 13% in 2015

New Zealand’s international enrolment grew by 13% in 2015

Education New Zealand has released its official enrolment report for 2015. It finds that international student numbers were up 13% last year to reach a total enrolment of...

A regional perspective on student recruitment in MENA

A regional perspective on student recruitment in MENA

The countries of the Middle East and North Africa region, or MENA, have fast-growing youth populations that continue to drive growing demand for higher education. The region has...

Canada’s ELT numbers fell in 2015

Canada’s ELT numbers fell in 2015

New survey data from Languages Canada reveals that Canada is the latest major destination to chart a decline in ELT (English Language Teaching) enrolments for 2015. Based on...

Canada eases visa requirements for Mexico

In a move that many Canadian ELT (English Language Training) centres will welcome, the Government of Canada announced this week that it will lift visa requirements for Mexican...

Where are you? The importance of location in international recruiting

“Location, location, location” is one of the most famous idioms among realtors because it underlines the great extent to which a property’s desirability is tied to where it...

Educators quick to respond to Brexit vote

In a move that surprised observers around the world, rocked currency rates and stock exchanges, and ran against the projections of most recent polls, UK voters opted for...

Mapping international pathway programmes in the US

Pathway programmes are gathering steam in English-speaking destination markets, and are often offered in collaboration with specialised pathway providers. For participating institutions, the pathway model represents a further...

Ghana emerging as an important sending market in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has become an increasingly important region for international student recruitment, and is home to a number of significant emerging markets, notably Nigeria and Kenya. The region...

New survey explores impact of economic pressures on study abroad

Preliminary findings from a new global student survey from FPP EDU Media and digital marketing firm International Education Advantage (Intead) were presented at the recent NAFSA conference in...

Social channels a major factor in Chinese research for study abroad

“China has developed a distinct Internet culture complete with its own major platforms and services,” we reported in 2014. “The largest of these rival the global audiences of...

Opening the door to new learning models

This article is adapted and reprinted with permission from Beyond the Horizon: The Near Future of International Education. Launched at the 2016 NAFSA conference in Denver, Beyond the...

Indian outbound to key destinations up 18% in 2015

The number of Indian students going abroad to study grew by just under 18% last year, marking a second year of strong growth in outbound numbers. 2015 was...

Study finds growing use of agents among US universities

New research finds the pace of international student recruitment agency adoption by US universities has increased since 2013 – the year in which NACAC (the National Association for...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
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