Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 2d 6h 3m 35s
Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "canada"

Differentiation through innovation in English language teaching

Schools in the English Language Teaching (ELT) sector are operating in an increasingly competitive environment where the commoditisation of general language programmes has become a real issue. This...

Checking in on English testing requirements for study in the UK

In April 2015, the British government substantially overhauled the system for Secure English Language Tests (SELT) in the UK. As a result, IELTS became the only approved test...

Where are you? The importance of location in international recruiting

“Location, location, location” is one of the most famous idioms among realtors because it underlines the great extent to which a property’s desirability is tied to where it...

UK ELT student weeks down 13% in 2015

On the heels of data from The 2015 ALTO-Deloitte Language Travel Industry Survey, which suggests a softening in global demand for English-language courses, English UK has also released...

Ghana emerging as an important sending market in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has become an increasingly important region for international student recruitment, and is home to a number of significant emerging markets, notably Nigeria and Kenya. The region...

New survey explores impact of economic pressures on study abroad

Preliminary findings from a new global student survey from FPP EDU Media and digital marketing firm International Education Advantage (Intead) were presented at the recent NAFSA conference in...

Indian outbound to key destinations up 18% in 2015

The number of Indian students going abroad to study grew by just under 18% last year, marking a second year of strong growth in outbound numbers. 2015 was...

Study finds growing use of agents among US universities

New research finds the pace of international student recruitment agency adoption by US universities has increased since 2013 – the year in which NACAC (the National Association for...

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