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High performance, high pressure in South Korea’s education system South Korea has been lauded for having an education system that helped transform the country and rapidly grow...
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Instagram’s profound effect on travel destination choice One of the biggest subject niches on Instagram is travel, and new research is showing that travel posts...
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Summing up motivations for study abroad A majority of prospective students aged 18 or younger say that their main motivation for study abroad is...
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Cultural experience the big driver of study abroad for Generation Z A new study from AFS Intercultural Programs provides some fresh insights into the perspective of younger millennials on study...
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How and when international students use school websites and social media in planning for study abroad More than three-quarters (77%) of international students responding to 2019 QS’s International Student Survey said that the most...
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How much influence does accommodation have on student recruitment? The variety and quality of accommodations educational institutions offer are presumed to factor into the mix of reasons...
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New study benchmarks global student group travel market Millions of students go abroad for short-term group programmes to other countries every year, but there has historically...
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Family a powerful influence on study abroad decisions While students clearly play an important role in deciding where to study abroad, it is often the parents...
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Getting started on Snapchat, one of the world’s fastest-growing social media apps For marketers in the education sector, there is obviously one age range in particular around which promotional and...
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New survey data measures student intent for study abroad As the COVID-19 pandemic continues around the world, there have been a number of attempts to track student...
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New insights on characteristics of US college students “Coming of age in the deepest recession in 70 years, yet eager for the economic opportunities their parents...
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France looks to education to help solve youth unemployment woes Amid growing concerns about the economic situation of its young people, France is looking to the education sector...
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