Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Best practices for managing a sub-agent network in Russia

Best practices for managing a sub-agent network in Russia

Insight Lingua is one of Russia’s leading education abroad agencies and, with a network of ~500 sub-agencies throughout Russia and other countries of the former USSR, its reach...

Goodbye university? Revolution vs. evolution of the current education model

Goodbye university? Revolution vs. evolution of the current education model

As we head into the tail end of 2013, a variety of claims and predictions are being tossed about regarding the future of higher education – and the...

Long term growth predicted for Peru

Long term growth predicted for Peru

The Republic of Peru is fairly new to the global education sector but as one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America, it holds much promise for...

20,000 students in the first 24 hours: UK enters MOOC space with social, mobile FutureLearn

20,000 students in the first 24 hours: UK enters MOOC space with social, mobile FutureLearn

Until last Wednesday, US-based learning platforms have led the development of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Together, those platforms, including Coursera, edX, and Udacity, serve an estimated 3...

The Indian rupee’s fall: what does – or will – it mean?

The Indian rupee’s fall: what does – or will – it mean?

The Indian rupee has continued its downward slide this year, and worries about what this may mean to Indian students’ intentions to study abroad are increasing in tandem....

What will the new Australian government mean for the higher education sector?

“International education is at a crucial turning point in Australia, and governments have two choices. They can persist with a fragmented, unhurried approach to managing global shifts in...

Focus on the future: Transformation for higher education in Wales

This past year has been a tumultuous time for education in Wales – resignations, mergers and exam changes have made for eye-catching headlines. Amid the seeming chaos is...

President Obama calls for new rating system for US colleges

President Obama outlined a plan last week to establish a new rating system for US colleges, and announced as well his intention to eventually link federal student aid...

International survey says Australia is most expensive study destination

HSBC released a study last week that looked at tuition and living costs in 13 international study destinations worldwide. The results? Australia, the survey says, is the most...

Scotland Snapshot: strong on quality and looking to boost student mobility

Accounting for less than a third of the UK’s total area, Scotland is something of a powerhouse from the vantage point of higher education. It is the world...

Philippines creates opportunities in overhaul of K-12 education system

The Philippines is undergoing a major overhaul to bring it in line with education systems worldwide, starting with the K-12 sector. This change to domestic education policy has...

Could Iran’s new president give higher education a boost?

With Hassan Rouhani assuming the Iranian presidency this weekend and speaking to the West in conciliatory tones, the shape of Iranian higher education is at a crossroads. While...

New Libyan scholarship programme to send 41,000 students abroad

Libya has been ever more on the radar of international educators in recent months. As the country works to rebuild in the wake of its 2011 civil war,...

Mexico’s higher education sector eyeing expansion

Recently, Mexico and the United States announced new education links and agreed that improved student mobility in both directions could produce strong long term benefits for both countries....

A closer look at African student mobility

The UN predicts that the world’s population is going to increase to 9.6 billion in 2050 (from 7.2 billion today). Where will most of the growth come from?...

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