Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Australia’s ELICOS enrolment grew in 2015 but source markets are shifting

Australia’s ELICOS enrolment grew in 2015 but source markets are shifting

Australia’s ELICOS sector (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students) is bucking a global trend of slowing or shrinking enrolment in English Language Training programmes. New figures released...

Malaysia competing for a greater share of international students

Malaysia competing for a greater share of international students

UNESCO’s recent recognition of Malaysia as one of the top 10 destinations for post-secondary education bodes well for the Malaysian government’s goal to significantly increase its enrolment of international...

Canada introduces new visa process for conditional admissions

Canada introduces new visa process for conditional admissions

The Canadian government has quietly introduced an important change to how it processes visas for students entering Canada to pursue conditional admissions or pathway programmes. In such cases,...

Junior language travel market continues to develop

Junior language travel market continues to develop

Junior students have become an important growth segment in recent years, especially in Europe, where students under age 18 now compose a significant proportion of language travel enrolments....

Vietnam removes agency certification requirements

Vietnam removes agency certification requirements

The following is a guest post from Dr Mark A. Ashwill, founder and managing director of Capstone Vietnam, a human resource development company with offices in Hanoi and...

Internationalisation of Chinese education entering a new phase

China’s higher education system continues to expand at a breakneck pace. Enrolment levels and participation rates are all trending sharply upward, and the system continues to grow at...

An agent’s view of recruiting in Pakistan

Pakistan sent nearly 40,000 students abroad for higher education in 2013, mainly to the UK, Australia, the US, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Canada, Germany, and Malaysia. The college-aged...

Study calls for focus on student satisfaction to boost recruitment

A new study, published in the August issue of the Journal of Business Research, finds that education marketers should increase their focus on student satisfaction as a means...

India moves to open up international collaboration for universities

India’s University Grants Commission (UGC) announced new regulations on 22 June 2016, since formally published on 13 July 2016, that aim to open up additional links between Indian...

UK providers increasing focus on transnational education

New data from the UK provides a stark contrast between onshore and offshore enrolment trends, and indicates a growing emphasis on transnational education (TNE) among Britain’s higher education...

More online degrees on the horizon?

Coursera is the largest MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platform in the world. With a reported user base of 20 million students, it delivers courses in partnership with...

Global survey highlights the importance of peer review and detailed insights for prospective students

A new study from QS, What Matters to International Students?, provides some interesting new insights on the types of information and information sources that students value most in...

Early results point to continued growth for Australia in 2016

The latest round of Australian enrolment data shows that the notable growth trend of the last two years has continued into 2016. Department of Education and Training (DET)...

Keys to the market: Turkey

Turkey often features in any discussion of important emerging markets for international education, in part because the number of outbound Turkish students has grown significantly over the past...

The uncertainty of Brexit

Theresa May has been the British Home Secretary, with responsibility for UK immigration, since 2010. In that role, and in pursuit of the Cameron government’s controversial “net migration”...

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  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

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