Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Five for Friday

Five for Friday

This latest instalment in our occasional “Five for Friday” column gathers some of the more eye-catching and varied items that we’ve been reading lately. Making graduate employment data...

Denmark moving to strengthen international student recruitment

Denmark moving to strengthen international student recruitment

In September 2015, the Danish government unveiled a new Code of Conduct for educators outlining the requirements for offering university programmes to international students. The code, developed with...

Homeward bound: The growing global investment in student housing

Homeward bound: The growing global investment in student housing

The past decade has seen a growing trend of private investment in education. Private money has been flowing into everything from school start-ups and acquisitions to education services...

Recruiting in Colombia

Recruiting in Colombia

Editor’s note: We are updating our video channels and the videos linked below are temporarily unavailable. “Colombian students are starting to travel overseas more and more,” begins Viajes...

New report calls for more balanced internationalisation outcomes in Europe

New report calls for more balanced internationalisation outcomes in Europe

A recent report commissioned by the European Parliament suggests that while European jurisdictions have lead efforts to deepen the internationalisation of higher education in recent decades, more needs...

Cuba at the crossroads of greater international engagement

Cuba has reached a pivotal point in its history. Signs of rapprochement with the United States and new economic opportunities have drawn the interest of international investors. Such...

A more cautious outlook for international branch campuses

The past decade has seen a rapid expansion of transnational education (TNE), including twinning arrangements, joint programmes, and, in some of the more visible and prominent TNE projects,...

Korea aims for 200,000 foreign students by 2023

The South Korean government has announced a new national strategy to nearly triple the country’s foreign student enrolment by 2023. Just under 85,000 foreign students studied in Korea...

Canada launches new immigration certification for international student advisors

We have reported previously on the implications of 2011 amendments to Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Simply put, the amendment makes it illegal for anyone other than...

Pleased to meet you: The business case for face-to-face

It can be tempting, when considering ways to grow an international business, to reach for a technological solution. Our world is hyper-wired and clients, employees, and target customers...

India’s employability challenge

India is home to 1.27 billion people and so many other dizzying statistics. More than half of the population is under the age of 25, and, with a...

UK and China strengthen educational ties with new bilateral agreements

Education plays a significant role in bilateral relations, to say nothing of trade, between the UK and China. Nearly 90,000 Chinese students studied in the UK in 2013/14,...

Bangladesh struggling to keep up with demand for higher education

The South Asian nation of Bangladesh is one of the world’s most densely populated countries. Currently the eighth-largest state by population, Bangladesh is home to more than 160...

Agent perspectives on the changing Ukrainian market

Editor’s note: We are updating our video channels and the videos linked below are temporarily unavailable. Our most recent update on Ukraine focused on an ambitious package of...

Russia moving to expand international student recruitment

On Monday this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin stepped on to the green marble dais in the United Nations General Assembly Hall for his first address to the...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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