Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Spanish education at a crossroads

Spanish education at a crossroads

One of the most turbulent and complex higher education sectors is that of Spain, where firebrand Minister of Education José Ignacio Wert has already pushed through numerous reforms...

Research consistently finds better employment outcomes for tertiary graduates

Research consistently finds better employment outcomes for tertiary graduates

In the wake of the global economic crisis, and in the midst of widespread calls for stronger linkages between postsecondary programmes and labour market requirements, we see a...

Getting started on Snapchat, one of the world’s fastest-growing social media apps

Getting started on Snapchat, one of the world’s fastest-growing social media apps

For marketers in the education sector, there is obviously one age range in particular around which promotional and branding strategies must hinge: that of students. This is a...

African summit calls for major expansion of higher education

African summit calls for major expansion of higher education

The African Higher Education Summit concluded last week with an action plan to dramatically increase higher education participation across the continent over the next 50 years. The plan...

Market Snapshot: Slovakia

Market Snapshot: Slovakia

With so many recent changes and reforms to Slovakia’s primary, secondary, and tertiary education systems, the government’s demonstrated willingness to learn from other jurisdictions, and a strong and...

An acquisition story: New capital fuels ESL school expansion

Editor’s note: We are updating our video channels and the videos linked below are temporarily unavailable. Canada is one of the world’s top destinations for English-language study and...

New report argues that international students in France should pay full fees

Foreign students enrolled with French higher education institutions currently receive a significant tuition subsidy from the French government. In fact, a recent economic impact study commissioned by Campus...

Using technology to bring travel experiences to life

Editor’s note: Trends and consumer preferences in international student mobility naturally intermingle with those in the travel sector and so ICEF Monitor maintains a watching brief on important...

How much personalisation do today’s travel consumers want?

Editor’s note: Trends and consumer preferences in international student mobility naturally intermingle with those in the travel sector and so ICEF Monitor maintains a watching brief on important...

The China challenge: Diversification and managing risk in international education

It might be the biggest “What if?” in international education. What if Chinese demand for study abroad changes? Or, more drastically still, what if something happens to significantly...

Canada introduces new process for international students hoping to immigrate

At the beginning of January, the Canadian government introduced a new application process for international graduates of Canadian universities and colleges wishing to immigrate to Canada: the Express...

Growing questions about the business model for higher education in the US

For several years, higher education institutions in the US, and to some extent those in other major destination markets, have faced financial pressures that are, without a doubt,...

Forecasts point to strong growth in outbound mobility for Pakistan

Pakistan, the sixth most-populous nation on Earth, is predicted to see its population grow to nearly 300 million people by mid-century. Despite a very low current ratio of...

From the field: EF continues to build new markets, products, and systems

EF Education First is one of the world’s leading language schools. Based in Lucerne, Switzerland, it operates 500 schools and offices in 53 countries and has a complement...

India is a key source of international students – can it become a destination?

In the summer of 2014, Narendra Modi became India’s Prime Minister in a landslide election, giving him a mandate to launch much-needed reforms to the country’s education system....

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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