Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "MOOC"

Cuba at the crossroads of greater international engagement

...and international educators, and potentially give Cubans access to MOOCs and other forms of off-island distance education. Despite the lack of available jobs, some Cuban universities have been...

Are learning and technology preferences impacting recruitment?

...only half of all students say they interact with their school online. Given the rising popularity of MOOCs, which exist entirely online, this could suggest that in order...

Exams change over time but influence on student mobility remains strong

...proficiency. We have reported previously on biometric testing used in MOOC platforms, and these developments – along with persistent demand for improved efficiencies in test administration and marking...

International branch campuses: this is the year to hit “pause” before “go”

...And online delivery models – including MOOCs – have made it possible for some international students to never set foot on any campus – overseas or located in...

Private capital is helping to transform education

...programmes overseas or domestically at reduced cost, which is spurring the need for online delivery models, including MOOCs. Overall, there’s demand among students for technology integrated into education...

Malta continues the push to improve teaching standards

...technology in teaching, as well as new methods of teaching and of learning including Self Organised Learning Environments (SOLEs) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). How will our...

Not a campus but a storefront: A new concept for higher education delivery

...watch, and an opportunity for real innovation in higher education delivery. For additional background, please see: “Study explores adoption of online learning and its relationship to student mobility”...

New UK strategy aims for 20% growth in international enrolment

...British counterpart to established American platforms for large-scale online course delivery (MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses). Finally, the UK strategy sets out plans for an expanded effort...

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