Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF


Most Viewed In Iran

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Recruiting in Iran: Demand remains high in this challenging market Demand among Iranian post-graduate students for study abroad has been very high in recent years, not the least...
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Iran eases restrictions on international education In Iran, the election last year of President Hassan Rouhani has led to a relatively more progressive and...
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Using social media to reach students in the Middle East and North Africa Roughly four in ten international students say that social media influenced their decision to study abroad. Around half...
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Five emerging markets to watch After more than a decade of rapid expansion in international enrolments, the focus in major study destinations is...
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English skills a key for mobility and employment in the Middle East and North Africa The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has the world’s most youthful population… and the highest youth...
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Iran’s university enrolment is booming. Now what? The population of Iran grew rapidly following the Islamic Revolution of 1979. It is estimated at about 80...
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New 2035 enrolment forecasts place East Asia and the Pacific in the lead University World News is reporting that growth predicted from 2000-30 is likely to be higher than that experienced...
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New report forecasts postgraduate mobility trends through 2024 The British Council has just released a report – Postgraduate student mobility trends to 2024 – that forecasts...
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Reports of some Iranian students being detained and deported from US airports Iran sends tens of thousands of students abroad every year – including more than 12,000 to the US,...
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Descriptions of education systems in 60 countries Nuffic – the Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education – regularly releases country modules, which offer...
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Bulletin: US announces travel ban for Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen Late Friday afternoon, newly elected US President Donald Trump signed an executive order effectively blocking entry to the...
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Iran moving quickly to expand higher education links In the wake of a historic nuclear deal earlier this year, Iranian universities are working to quickly build...
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