Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Study reveals most popular online recruiting strategies of US colleges

Study reveals most popular online recruiting strategies of US colleges

The always-insightful consulting and research firm Noel-Levitz is out this year with two new studies that nicely add to the current research on online recruiting practices and the...

US educators, student leaders, and governments combine forces to improve campus safety

US educators, student leaders, and governments combine forces to improve campus safety

It is well established that safety is a key concern for both international students and parents and an issue that weighs heavily in the choice of institution and...

International student mobility and the Ebola outbreak

International student mobility and the Ebola outbreak

The Ebola outbreak began in Guinea in March this year and in the months following it spread to three other countries: Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. Isolated cases...

Women increasingly outpacing men’s higher education participation in many world markets

Women increasingly outpacing men’s higher education participation in many world markets

It used to be that men were overrepresented in higher education, but that trend has been changing for several years now. In the 1990s, in many parts of...

Transitional and support services for international students with disabilities

Transitional and support services for international students with disabilities

According to the United Nations, around 15% of the global population, or roughly 1 billion people, live with disabilities, making them the world’s largest minority – a minority...

Five for Friday

We are pleased to present the latest instalment in our occasional column “Five for Friday.” The following is a quick hit-list of some of the more eye-catching and...

Tuition increases should be paired with increased student aid, says new report

A recently released European Commission study finds that, when they are balanced with expanded financial aid for students, increases in tuition fees do not negatively impact higher education...

Spanish university entrance exam no longer required for foreign students

In a major change to the system of undergraduate admissions for Spanish universities, a royal decree recently removed the Selectividad exam as a mandatory entrance requirement for foreign...

Education enrolment trends of women in the Middle East

A seminar at the recent NAFSA conference revealed that increasing female enrolment is one of the big stories in US higher education at the moment, with women accounting...

Peru positioning to be the next big player in Latin America

Peru is a fast developing, tropical, Andean, and Pacific Rim country whose education sector is going through a tectonic shift. Those changes, some of which raise constitutional questions,...

Employability and university rankings: London conference reveals what employers want from schools

“Students are investing in education because they expect a monetary return, which means gainful employment.” – Marian Mahat, LH Marting Institute for Tertiary Education Leadership and Management, University...

New survey finds growing emphasis on internationalisation in Latin American higher education

The ALFA PUENTES project is a collaboration of more than 20 national and international university associations from across Latin America and Europe. Funded in part by the European...

Strategies for working with students with disabilities

Today we present a guest post from Rob Crawford, co-founder and CEO of the Life Development Institute (LDI) on the challenges educators face in helping students with disabilities...

LGBT students: a forgotten market with potential

Within the mountains of market intelligence, research articles, and data available on international student mobility and recruitment, one niche student group receives very little attention: lesbian, gay, bisexual,...

New research explores economic impact of international students on host countries

An ambitious new study aims to explore the direct cost-benefit relationships of international students as they pertain to host institutions and host countries. The study, The financial impact...

Most Recent

  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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