Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Dutch government announces new vision for international education

Dutch government announces new vision for international education

“I am convinced that Dutch education should train ‘competent rebels’: pioneering thinkers and doers who are able to promote change through a combination of creativity, courage and ambition,”...

The link between employability and international student recruitment

The link between employability and international student recruitment

As business leaders and prospective students increasingly seek proof of graduate readiness and success, it is no wonder that employability has emerged as a key issue for educators....

Market Snapshot: Ghana

Market Snapshot: Ghana

The West African nation of Ghana has experienced a decade of sustained growth, outpacing that of nations such as Taiwan and South Korea. Its education expenditure relative to...

UK introduces tougher immigration rules for universities and colleges

UK introduces tougher immigration rules for universities and colleges

The British government has announced tighter controls on institutions that sponsor international students to study in the UK. Under the current rules, universities and colleges can maintain their...

The study abroad market in Oman

The study abroad market in Oman

Oman is an Arab-speaking nation of 3.1 million people. UNESCO estimates that there are more than 6,300 Omani students enrolled in higher education abroad, but other sources put...

When it comes to university rankings, what really counts?

We all pay attention to university rankings. For students and parents, they can be an important guide in choosing a university. For institutions, policy makers, and politicians, they...

Foreign enrolment in German universities reaches record high

Germany is well on its way to an ambitious goal of hosting 350,000 foreign university students by 2020. The latest figures released this month by the German Academic...

Tuition increases should be paired with increased student aid, says new report

A recently released European Commission study finds that, when they are balanced with expanded financial aid for students, increases in tuition fees do not negatively impact higher education...

Russia announces new investments in higher education and study abroad

The Russian government’s recent announcement of increased funding for 14 universities is yet one more sign of Moscow’s continuing push in boosting the global competitiveness of its higher...

Who uses MOOCs and how?

Given that millions of people register for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), it is perhaps not surprising that much has been written to date about these still-evolving education...

The art of listening: Better results start with understanding your customer

Listen more than you talk and use the insights you gain into your customer’s needs and decision-making processes to close more sales. This is a simple but powerful...

Spanish university entrance exam no longer required for foreign students

In a major change to the system of undergraduate admissions for Spanish universities, a royal decree recently removed the Selectividad exam as a mandatory entrance requirement for foreign...

Australian enrolment surging in 2014

International education remains Australia’s third-largest export sector and the only non-resource sector in the top five. International education activity contributed an estimated AUS$15 billion to Australia’s economy in...

Libya struggling to meet massive demand for higher education

Libya has been marked by civil and political unrest in the years since the 2011 civil war that ended Muammar Gaddafi’s 42-year rule. In the wake of landmark...

An agent’s perspective on the Nigerian market for study abroad

As we highlighted earlier this year, Nigeria is a country to watch for anyone involved in international higher education. For starters, there are stats like these: With roughly...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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