Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

postgraduate student recruitment Page 14 of 103

Indian outbound to key destinations up 18% in 2015

Indian outbound to key destinations up 18% in 2015

The number of Indian students going abroad to study grew by just under 18% last year, marking a second year of strong growth in outbound numbers. 2015 was...

Study finds growing use of agents among US universities

Study finds growing use of agents among US universities

New research finds the pace of international student recruitment agency adoption by US universities has increased since 2013 – the year in which NACAC (the National Association for...

When it comes to marketing and recruitment, start with relationships

When it comes to marketing and recruitment, start with relationships

This article is adapted and reprinted with permission from Beyond the Horizon: The Near Future of International Education. Launched at the 2016 NAFSA conference in Denver, Beyond the...

Keys to the market: Iran

Keys to the market: Iran

We are pleased to begin a new video series on ICEF Monitor today. We call it Keys to the Market and we promise two things for each installment...

New survey reinforces career goals a primary motivation for study abroad

New survey reinforces career goals a primary motivation for study abroad

A new Hobsons report, Creating a Sustainable International Education Sector: A Manifesto for Intelligence-Led Marketing and Recruitment of International Students, examines international students’ perceptions of higher education models,...

Coming to America: The need for greater diversification in international enrolment

While its overall share of internationally mobile students has slipped over the last 15 years or so, the US remains – by far – the world’s leading study...

Growing demand for vocational training in Vietnam

The Vietnamese economy has recorded strong growth for more than two decades, and, among Asian economies, only China has grown faster since 2000. But the alarm bells have...

Brexit could discourage international students from choosing UK

Two new studies are adding some heft to earlier speculation that a UK exit from the EU – or “Brexit” – could make Britain a less attractive study...

EU vote harmonises and eases visa rules for non-EU students

The European Parliament has adopted new regulations designed to make study and research in the European Union more attractive for those coming from outside the EU. Members of...

The interdisciplinary opportunity

Countless studies have shown that international students expect study abroad to lead to better employment outcomes and that students’ choice of where and what to study is greatly...

More countries moving to internationalise higher education

A new study aims to provide a detailed snapshot of the countries that are “best engaged” in internationalising higher education, and, by extension, those that are best equipped...

Study finds an uncounted AUS$1 billion in Australian education exports

The Australian government launched an ambitious “whole-of-sector” international education strategy this week. The strategy is notable both in its ambition – to host, for example, 720,000 foreign students...

Australia releases 10-year blueprint for expansion of its international education sector

Australia took a bold step this week with the release of the country’s first comprehensive national strategy for international education. The National Strategy for International Education 2025 is...

Third-party video interview services playing a greater role in US admissions

The number of Chinese students studying in the US has increased by nearly 400% over the past decade. As of 2014/15, it has been the leading sending market...

Chile continues to push for improved English proficiency

Demand for English Language Teaching (ELT) in Chile is strong, largely driven by the need for English-speaking professionals, academics, and technicians to staff its increasingly internationalised industries. Chile...

Most Recent

  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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