Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Ministry of Education Page 4 of 11

Updated: Finnish government backs away from plan to introduce tuition fees for non-EU students

Updated: Finnish government backs away from plan to introduce tuition fees for non-EU students

Editor’s note: The original version of this story reported on recent developments in Finland that had the Finnish government poised to introduce tuition fees for students from outside...

Did growth in outbound Chinese mobility really slow in 2013?

Did growth in outbound Chinese mobility really slow in 2013?

China is by far the world’s largest source market for international students. Chinese students account for 32% of international enrolment in Canada, 29% of all foreign students in...

Signs of continuing growth in Ecuador

Signs of continuing growth in Ecuador

Ecuador is emerging as an increasingly interesting Latin American market for international recruiters and educators. There are at least two reasons why: Ecuador’s real GDP growth in 2014...

India’s supply-demand gap in education expected to drive international mobility

India’s supply-demand gap in education expected to drive international mobility

India’s position as a key player in global student mobility is set to grow in the next decade, according to a recent report. Meanwhile, proposed reforms to India’s...

Continuing economic crisis in Greece pushes and pulls on student mobility

Continuing economic crisis in Greece pushes and pulls on student mobility

Despite some signs that the Greek economy may be headed for slightly better times, Greece’s economic crisis is ongoing – with significant ramifications for the country’s students and...

Danish reforms will impact both domestic and international students

Denmark is in the grip of a productivity crisis. Economic growth has been slow to nil in recent years and sluggish productivity, expert say, is to blame. The...

Japan boosts internationalisation funding in a bid to climb global rankings

The Japanese government announced additional funding last month for 37 leading universities. The new spending aims to boost the international competitiveness of Japanese higher education overall, with the...

Market Snapshot: Mongolia

Bordered by Russia to the north, and China everywhere else, Mongolia is a landlocked country nearly twice the size of Eastern Europe. With a population estimated at just...

Burma announces new study abroad scholarships but education reforms moving slowly

Burma has recently announced the first scholarships in 50 years for Burmese students to study abroad. Despite the opening it suggests regarding Burma’s relationship with the wider world,...

South Africa’s language schools gaining students but struggling to clarify immigration policy

South Africa’s English language schools have attracted a growing number of international students over the past few years, thanks not only to the quality of courses available but...

Report highlights imbalances in degree mobility within Europe

A recent report commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW) explores a number of imbalances in long-term degree mobility between countries within the European...

Dutch government announces new vision for international education

“I am convinced that Dutch education should train ‘competent rebels’: pioneering thinkers and doers who are able to promote change through a combination of creativity, courage and ambition,”...

Governments expanding and promoting non-degree training in key markets worldwide

Get ready to hear the term “middle skills” more often. It refers to jobs that require more education than a high school diploma but less than a four-year...

UK introduces tougher immigration rules for universities and colleges

The British government has announced tighter controls on institutions that sponsor international students to study in the UK. Under the current rules, universities and colleges can maintain their...

Russia announces new investments in higher education and study abroad

The Russian government’s recent announcement of increased funding for 14 universities is yet one more sign of Moscow’s continuing push in boosting the global competitiveness of its higher...

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