Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Ministry of Education Page 3 of 11

Trends in study abroad for Mexican students

Trends in study abroad for Mexican students

If all goes according to plan, Mexico may soon send more students to the US than any other country in the world besides China (currently 274,439) and India...

Finnish universities facing big budget cuts; fees for non-EU students back on the table

Finnish universities facing big budget cuts; fees for non-EU students back on the table

Students and higher education institutions in Finland are caught up in the austerity measures their government is preparing to impose. The Finnish economy has been contracting for the...

Kazakhstan economy driving both reforms and demand for higher education

Kazakhstan economy driving both reforms and demand for higher education

Following several years of strong economic growth and educational reforms, Kazakhstan is a country with burgeoning demand for study abroad and for programmes geared to its labour market...

China encouraging overseas universities to accept gaokao exam results

China encouraging overseas universities to accept gaokao exam results

More universities outside of China may soon accept China’s national college entrance exam, the gaokao. Yu Jihai, deputy director of the Division of International Education at the Ministry...

Taiwan plans to close up to a third of its universities in the next decade

Taiwan plans to close up to a third of its universities in the next decade

Taiwan’s Ministry of Education outlined plans late last month to merge or close up to 52 of the country’s public and private universities. The move comes in response...

Number of Chinese outbound students up by 11% in 2014

The world’s leading study abroad market registered another year of strong growth in 2014. The number of Chinese students abroad was up sharply over 2013, and the enrolment...

Québec triples fees for new undergraduate students from France

The Canadian Province of Québec announced last month that tuition rates for new undergraduate students from France will triple as of September 2015. Québec is the centre of...

Market Snapshot: Slovakia

With so many recent changes and reforms to Slovakia’s primary, secondary, and tertiary education systems, the government’s demonstrated willingness to learn from other jurisdictions, and a strong and...

Surprise Sri Lankan election result promises new education ties and investment

The surprise victory of Maithripala Sirisena in Sri Lanka’s presidential election last month, along with early indications of pending reforms, have raised high expectations among students, education leaders,...

Targeting demand for study abroad in Chile

Chile’s growing economy and stable politics have led to a steady increase in the number of students going abroad over the past several years. However, with economic growth...

Dutch government rolls out international scholarship programme

The Dutch government released a new strategy for international education in July 2014, built around the idea of expanding student mobility, transnational education initiatives, and international partnerships for...

Starting from scratch: Afghanistan continues to build its education system

In December 2001, after more than two decades of armed conflict, Afghanistan’s Taliban government was toppled and a new administration formed under President Humid Karzai. As 2002 began,...

Political uncertainty in Thailand slows planned education reforms

In the wake of the spring 2014 coup that installed a military junta in power, Thailand’s much-touted education reforms remain a work in progress. Despite significant government investments...

Market Snapshot: Angola

Perched along the southwest coast of Africa, Angola is a country that had conjured up images of a decades-long civil war, and a nation struggling with the aftermath...

The growing case for building institutional links with India

India is planning a massive expansion of its higher education system over the next decade. The Indian government has a stated goal to increase higher education participation rates...

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  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
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