Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

higher education reform Page 5 of 23

US educators, student leaders, and governments combine forces to improve campus safety

US educators, student leaders, and governments combine forces to improve campus safety

It is well established that safety is a key concern for both international students and parents and an issue that weighs heavily in the choice of institution and...

Market Snapshot: Egypt

Market Snapshot: Egypt

The North African nation of Egypt has experienced extreme turbulence in recent years, with mass protest, a coup d’etat, and economic turmoil. With 60% of the population below...

India’s supply-demand gap in education expected to drive international mobility

India’s supply-demand gap in education expected to drive international mobility

India’s position as a key player in global student mobility is set to grow in the next decade, according to a recent report. Meanwhile, proposed reforms to India’s...

Continuing economic crisis in Greece pushes and pulls on student mobility

Continuing economic crisis in Greece pushes and pulls on student mobility

Despite some signs that the Greek economy may be headed for slightly better times, Greece’s economic crisis is ongoing – with significant ramifications for the country’s students and...

Danish reforms will impact both domestic and international students

Danish reforms will impact both domestic and international students

Denmark is in the grip of a productivity crisis. Economic growth has been slow to nil in recent years and sluggish productivity, expert say, is to blame. The...

Outbound mobility gathering steam in the Philippines

The number of Philippine students studying abroad is up sharply in recent years, fuelled by a rapidly growing economy, high levels of youth unemployment, strong outbound migration, and...

Australian education reforms figure prominently in emerging international education strategy

The Australian government has introduced its much-anticipated reform measures for the country’s higher education system. Tabled in the Australian parliament on 28 August, the Higher Education and Research...

Morocco facing a major rebuild of education systems

Morocco is currently one of the largest source countries for outbound student mobility in Africa. UNESCO estimates that 44,161 Moroccan students studied abroad in 2012 – which puts...

NACAC changes code of conduct to allow international agents; releases agent guide for US institutions

“In 1951, NACAC introduced a prohibition on incentive-based recruitment of students for all NACAC members,” explains Eddie West, director of international initiatives at the National Association for College...

Market Snapshot: Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is the world’s largest landlocked country, strategically located between Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and a strip of the Caspian Sea. With a population of just over...

Burma announces new study abroad scholarships but education reforms moving slowly

Burma has recently announced the first scholarships in 50 years for Burmese students to study abroad. Despite the opening it suggests regarding Burma’s relationship with the wider world,...

Dutch government announces new vision for international education

“I am convinced that Dutch education should train ‘competent rebels’: pioneering thinkers and doers who are able to promote change through a combination of creativity, courage and ambition,”...

Taking the long view on Korean study abroad trends

Last year, we began to report on declining outbound mobility for Korean students. South Korea has been, and remains, one of the world’s most important source countries for...

Governments expanding and promoting non-degree training in key markets worldwide

Get ready to hear the term “middle skills” more often. It refers to jobs that require more education than a high school diploma but less than a four-year...

UK introduces tougher immigration rules for universities and colleges

The British government has announced tighter controls on institutions that sponsor international students to study in the UK. Under the current rules, universities and colleges can maintain their...

Most Recent

  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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