Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Finnish universities facing big budget cuts; fees for non-EU students back on the table

Finnish universities facing big budget cuts; fees for non-EU students back on the table

Students and higher education institutions in Finland are caught up in the austerity measures their government is preparing to impose. The Finnish economy has been contracting for the...

Using social media to reach students in the Middle East and North Africa

Using social media to reach students in the Middle East and North Africa

Roughly four in ten international students say that social media influenced their decision to study abroad. Around half read comments about institutions they were interested in on institutional...

Kazakhstan economy driving both reforms and demand for higher education

Kazakhstan economy driving both reforms and demand for higher education

Following several years of strong economic growth and educational reforms, Kazakhstan is a country with burgeoning demand for study abroad and for programmes geared to its labour market...

UK rolls out new service to help fight diploma mills and degree fraud

UK rolls out new service to help fight diploma mills and degree fraud

There is more and more evidence to indicate that the time-worn trade in fake academic degrees is now operating on a new and increasingly international scale, thanks in...

English-taught programmes in Europe up more than 300%

English-taught programmes in Europe up more than 300%

While Europe comprises nations with diverse policies and goals, the desire within the education sector to increase international mobility among students is a widely shared objective. A recent...

Five for Friday

This latest instalment in our occasional “Five for Friday” column gathers some of the more eye-catching and varied items that we’ve been reading lately. We present them here...

India reports strong growth in outbound for 2014; edges China for first time

A new student mobility report finds that the number of Indian students going overseas was up sharply in 2014. This reverses a four-year trend of declining student numbers...

China encouraging overseas universities to accept gaokao exam results

More universities outside of China may soon accept China’s national college entrance exam, the gaokao. Yu Jihai, deputy director of the Division of International Education at the Ministry...

Governments and educators in Kenya struggling to keep pace with demand for higher education

The number of students in Kenya’s universities is soaring, up 28% in 2014 compared to 2013. But, contrary to expectations, the government has cut funding by 6% for...

International students return net benefit of £2.3 billion to London universities

London has more top-ranked universities than any other city in the world, and it consequently is a magnet for international students. A new report produced by the UK-based...

Chinese enrolment in the US shifting increasingly to undergraduate studies

Chinese students are flocking to American higher education institutions. According to the latest Open Doors data from the Institute of International Education (IIE), 274,439 students from China studied...

Indonesia looks to education to help drive growth

“Indonesia is at a development crossroads,” says a recent World Bank report. It is now one of the 20 largest economies in the world and aims to break...

Start with great content: Building trust and engagement through content marketing

The best content marketing constitutes a wonderful way of reaching and building relationships among consumers. But there is the potential of misusing it by breaking the very trust...

EAIE measures the state of internationalisation in Europe

A majority of higher education institutions in 33 European countries say that increasing international revenue is not the main rationale behind their internationalisation initiatives. Instead, it is to...

Australian anti-corruption commission highlights risks and best practices in international recruitment

A recent report from Australia’s New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has touched off considerable debate in Australia as to the incidence of fraud in international...

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  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
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