Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 3d 4h 45m 48s
Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "canada"

Public and private sector investment aims to increase higher education participation in Brazil

A rapidly developing economy with seven million higher education students, Brazil offers a mix of both public and private universities. However, limited access to the country’s public institutions...

A closer look at US enrolment growth

On first bounce, when we look at the 2013 Open Doors enrolment data for international students studying in the US, one fact leaps out: China is sending huge...

Open Doors 2013: More international students in the US, most growth from China

The 2013 Open Doors Report on international educational exchange was released this week, and it shows that the number of international students in the US continues to grow...

New developments in the accommodations sector

In a previous article, ICEF Monitor discussed student accommodations, specifically, dormitories and their influence on prospective students’ school choices, the increased investor activity related to financing and building...

Seventh annual Agent Barometer provides agents’ view of marketplace

The results are in from the seventh annual edition of the ICEF i-graduate Agent Barometer, a comprehensive survey that delivers insight into the profile of education agents, as...

Extending your recruitment effort with international alumni

We’ve written previously about the importance of engaging alumni in international recruitment as well as the process of engaging and enabling brand advocates from among your current students....

Market Snapshot: Chile

An unusual mix of factors is at work in the education landscape of Chile. Like other OECD nations, Chile has experienced dramatic increases in student numbers; however, many...

Student retention begins in, and sometimes before, the first week of class

For many educators, the memory of the last student intake and last orientation is never far away, especially with a new school year recently underway in many parts...

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