Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 3d 4h 41m 9s
Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

Search results for: "canada"

Ambitious Israeli students look to top institutions abroad

In 2012 the OECD named Israel the second most educated country in the world, which suggests that it is home to prospective international students of the highest quality....

Summing up international student mobility in 2014

University World News published a special issue on international student mobility last week and it got us thinking about what we really know about global student mobility as...

High performance, high pressure in South Korea’s education system

South Korea has been lauded for having an education system that helped transform the country and rapidly grow its economy over the past 60 years. Today, its high-performing...

Market Snapshot: Cyprus

As the polar vortex rips through North America, we thought to ourselves, “What could be more appropriate than a market report on sunny Cyprus?” And with that, we...

A year of ICEF Monitor in one post: 2013 in review

We covered a wide range of markets, subjects, and issues in international education – and international student recruitment in particular – over the course of 2013. And now,...

New British Council report underlines the importance of – and increasing competition for – Indian students

Consider these predictions for India in 2028: Half of the country’s population will be younger than 25; The country is expected to become the world’s most populous nation,...

New UK report calls for cohesive government policy to grow international education sector

Currently in the UK, two facts co-exist… uncomfortably. On the one hand is widespread public anxiety about immigration, fuelled in part by past governmental policies that led to...

Mobile, video and peer-to-peer at the heart of the latest travel trends, with Asia in focus

When over 50,000 people gathered in London earlier this month, it could only mean one thing: the World Travel Market (WTM) had arrived. This massive event brings the...

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