Countdown to the ICEF Monitor Global Summit: 1d 4h 22m 46s
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Search results for: "canada"

Higher education students press for refunds and discounts during COVID-19

Educators the world over are facing unprecedented challenges and uncertainty about how they will attract and retain students for the coming academic year. COVID-19 continues to be an...

Are students willing to begin degree studies online in September?

The “on-campus or online” question moved forward over the last couple of weeks with news that the University of Cambridge will deliver all lectures online until summer 2021,...

New ICEF Podcast episode: How can schools engage with agents now?

Our new podcast series continues today with a special episode on how educators are engaging with agents during the pandemic. Our co-hosts for the episode are Ian Cann,...

Early lessons from moving ELT online: start with what makes your school special

In the early months of this year, a growing web of public health measures and international travel restrictions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic caused English language schools to...

Plans for return to campus still in flux

In a running tally conducted by the Chronicle of Higher Education, seven in ten US colleges say that they are planning to reopen their campuses for in-person instruction...

New insights on how international students are planning for the coming academic year

A new global survey reinforces the findings of other recent student research in that a large majority of international students who have had their academic dreams interrupted by...

With 9 in 10 students affected by COVID-19 closures, how is the shift to online going so far?

Most COVID-19-related statistics are distressing but some veer towards the simply astounding: “The pandemic has disrupted learning for 9 out of 10 students around the world (87%), according...

COVID-19: Social media engagement is up and so is interest in learning online

The COVID-19 pandemic has rocked businesses and economies all over the world and derailed the study plans of millions of students. But educators, agents, and students alike are...

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