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Search results for: "canada"

New Zealand aims to build on positive perceptions from COVID response

Before the pandemic, when you thought about New Zealand, you probably thought first about nature and stunning landscapes. But New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden’s handling of the...

Ireland extends post-study work eligibility for students studying remotely due to COVID

Ireland has temporarily adjusted a key immigration policy affecting international students in light of COVID, in an effort both to protect students’ ability to stay in Ireland after...

The link between vaccine rollouts and the attractiveness of study destinations

Over the past few years, various study abroad destinations have seen their international student numbers wax or wane in tandem with their governments’ approaches to post-study work rights...

New insights on parents’ priorities for international school selection

In December 2020, ISC Research conducted a survey of senior admissions staff in international schools distributed across Europe, the Middle East, East and South East Asia. Those staff...

How the pandemic is shaping the expectations and decisions of international students

The pandemic is fundamentally shaping the lives of young people belonging to Gen Z (born between 1995 and 2015). Across the world, these young adults are confronted with...

New report describes shifting Nigerian demand for study abroad

With its large youth demographics and expanding middle class, Nigeria has become one of the most sought-after markets for student recruiters in major destination countries including Australia, Canada,...

International survey of education agents reveals optimism for 2021

A new survey report from international education provider M Square Media (MSM), Online Recruitment: Agent Toolkit, Challenges, and Gaps to Fill, shows that agents are recruiting students online...

China an “indispensable recruitment market” for study abroad for which online channels will be key this year

China’s demographics are changing, and so too are some of the patterns of outbound Chinese students. They are choosing a wider field of study destinations than in the...

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