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Search results for: "mobile"

Social channels a major factor in Chinese research for study abroad

...rapid adoption of smartphone devices. Many Chinese users first began to use the Internet on mobile devices, and mobile remains the predominant form of access in China today....

Online or offline, the travel sector blurs all the lines

...from US$90 billion in 2013 to US$180 billion in 2018. Mobile devices are increasingly key in the travel industry in terms of both customer service and bookings. Mobile...

New survey findings on digital channels for college search

...to the continuing heavy use of mobile devices during the discovery phase of the college search process. Four out of five respondents visit college websites on their mobile...

Institutional websites remain a key element of online recruiting

...by programme name or type, often in association with a particular country or region. Mobile first: Students use mobile devices heavily during the discovery phase of the college...

The new rules of digital marketing

...aware of how prospective students use digital channels to seek and select overseas study options. Lead with mobile Students use mobile devices heavily during the discovery phase of...

Research consistently finds better employment outcomes for tertiary graduates

...the sample sizes.” Mobile graduates were more likely to be working abroad (11% as opposed to only 2% of non-mobile graduates working abroad). Mobile graduates, on average, earned...

Cracking the (QR) code

...a building or location on a campus and see a QR code that I can scan and get information about this specific place right on my mobile phone....

New study makes the link between study abroad and employability

...non-mobile students), 18,618 alumni (83% mobile with and without Erasmus), 4,986 staff (academic and non-academic, mobile and non-mobile), 964 higher education institutions, and 652 employers across the 34...

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