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Agent Management

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Australian government to set international student cap UPDATE, 15 MAY 2024: Government statements since 11 May indicate that the implementation date for international enrolment caps...
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Who decides about quality? Education agents and the question of increased regulation There has been a surge in international student mobility since the pandemic, and that rapid growth has tested...
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Working with commission-based education agents: the real issue In a departure from our normal editorial coverage, we are pleased to present the following opinion piece from...
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US colleges continue to strengthen links with education agents Partnerships with agents are part of a multifaceted recruitment strategy for many American colleges, and representatives at private...
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When it comes to marketing and recruitment, start with relationships This article is adapted and reprinted with permission from Beyond the Horizon: The Near Future of International Education....
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New surveys highlight key elements of agent-educator relationships Findings from two recent survey efforts highlight some key aspects of effective agency-educator relationships. In Agent-University Partnerships: The...
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Agency-Educator relationship management: from on-boarding to sustainable recruitment partnerships With up to half of all international students using the professional services of an education agent, and private...
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How to maximise educator-agency relationships In this competitive age just signing up an agent and hoping that results will follow is not enough....
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New survey highlights key considerations in working with agents INTO University Partnerships operates 12 joint ventures with universities in the US and UK and annually admits more...
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