Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Study abroad exempt from new Brazilian tax on overseas payments

Study abroad exempt from new Brazilian tax on overseas payments

Anyone with an interest in international education or student recruitment in Brazil held their breath earlier this month with the announcement of a new tax on overseas payments,...

Ireland implements student immigration and quality assurance reforms

Ireland implements student immigration and quality assurance reforms

Over the course of 2015, the Irish government began to introduce a number of reforms in its student immigration system, with the goal of strengthening quality assurance in...

Sharp declines from emerging markets pressuring non-EU enrolment in UK

Sharp declines from emerging markets pressuring non-EU enrolment in UK

The latest higher education enrolment statistics from the UK will do nothing to calm the debate over immigration and internationalisation policies in the country. The numbers for 2014/15...

The impact of accreditation on Intensive English Programmes in the US

The impact of accreditation on Intensive English Programmes in the US

Two years have passed since full implementation of law requiring that all Intensive English Programmes (IEPs) in the US be accredited in order to enrol F-1 student visa...

Finland introduces university tuition fees for non-EU students

Finland introduces university tuition fees for non-EU students

It has been a running “will they or won’t they” question for some time, but the Finnish Parliament has now imposed tuition fees for non-European Union students studying...

Five for Friday

This latest instalment in our occasional “Five for Friday” column gathers some of the more eye-catching and varied items that we’ve been reading lately. The global marketing toolkit...

Panama’s rising economy funding new investments in education and English training

Situated on the Central American isthmus, Panama boasts the two busiest ports in the world, a canal that sees 4% of all global trade pass through its waters,...

Education and the exercise of soft power in China

Soft power, the thinking goes, is a strategy of promoting the national interest by means of persuasion and attraction, as opposed to “hard power,” meaning the more overt...

New report finds slower growth for US graduate programmes in 2015

The latest report from the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) finds that growth in international enrolment in US graduate studies has slowed. Applications and first-time enrolment by international...

New Zealand launches pilot for five-year pathway visa

New Zealand has introduced a new pathway visa that will allow international students to study for three consecutive programmes over a five-year period, and all on a single visa....

MOOC enrolment surpassed 35 million in 2015

More students signed up for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in 2015 than in the previous three years combined. The field of online courses became somewhat more international...

Goal oriented: International enrolment targets around the world

2015 was a banner year for many study destinations. But, as much growth as we have seen in international student mobility over the past decade, many countries have...

Sweden’s international student numbers up for the first time since 2011

The Swedish government moved to introduce higher education tuition fees for non-European Union/non-European Economic Area students in 2011, and foreign student enrolment in the country promptly took a...

From the field: Recruiting in Bolivia

Bolivia is a small, land-locked country of about 11 million people in South America. It generally does not enjoy the same prominence in international markets as do some...

Small US colleges feeling the squeeze from “soft” tuition revenues

It is hardly a new idea that there are some important pressures on the traditional business model for higher education in the US. The population of college-aged students...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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