Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Survey says employment prospects the key for postgraduate applicants

Survey says employment prospects the key for postgraduate applicants

A 2015 survey of postgraduate applicants around the world finds that prospective master’s or PhD students are giving greater weight to future career prospects when choosing their programme,...

Singapore adopting a more cautious outlook on education hub ambitions

Singapore adopting a more cautious outlook on education hub ambitions

In 2002, Singapore’s Economic Development Board (EDB) launched the Global Schoolhouse initiative. The EDB is concerned with attracting investment to Singapore, and it saw education as an important...

Germany on pace to attract 350,000 foreign students

Germany on pace to attract 350,000 foreign students

Germany looms as large as ever on the world stage this year. A founding member of the European Union, it wields considerable political influence within Europe and around...

France aims to counter slowing international enrolment growth

France aims to counter slowing international enrolment growth

France remains one of the world’s leading study destinations. But growth has slowed in recent years and France is starting to slip down the table of global destinations...

Iran moving quickly to expand higher education links

Iran moving quickly to expand higher education links

In the wake of a historic nuclear deal earlier this year, Iranian universities are working to quickly build collaborative links with universities across Europe. On 16 January 2016,...

US OPT rules confirmed: Foreign STEM grads can now stay and work for up to three years

Following months of legal wrangling and uncertainty over the key Optional Practical Training (OPT) programme for foreign STEM graduates in the US, new rules were formally set down...

The growing demand for English language learning in Mexico

Despite its shared border with the United States, Mexico still has a challenge with limited English language proficiency. It ranks below several other Latin American nations for English...

Reaching millennials: Make it fast but keep it real

The on-demand, highly connected world of millennials opens the door both to new challenges and new opportunities for marketers – but you better be quick and you will...

Five for Friday

An occasional round-up of some of the more eye-catching and varied items that we’ve been reading lately. Extreme study abroad A fascinating look at students who are turning...

Cheaper, faster, easier: Building a better system for sending student fees overseas

A growing category of international payment specialists is set on proving that the conventional methods for sending student payments overseas are ripe for change. These companies – including...

Income growth continues to drive demand for study abroad in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has all the hallmarks of an important emerging market for international education. Roughly four in ten Sri Lankans are under 24 years of age, and the...

India shifting focus to education quality

The Indian government continues to send signals of an increasing focus on quality in the country’s higher education system. Higher education enrolment in India has exploded over the...

US and UK losing market share to regional destinations

A recent British Council study predicts that China will remain the number one sender of international students to other countries in 2025, followed by India. Also at that...

Study calls for better data analytics for recruitment and retention

A recently released study points to the importance of improved data systems in higher education, and their potential to both improve the student experience and help drive universities’...

Full-year data confirms strong growth for New Zealand in 2015

The latest data release from Education New Zealand (ENZ) confirms another year of strong growth for the country’s international student numbers. ENZ’s full-year Student Visa Dashboard for 2015...

Most Recent

  • Asian universities continue to rise in latest QS subject rankings Read More
  • International degree graduates of Canadian colleges no longer have to meet “field of study” requirements for post-study work permits Read More
  • Survey assesses international students’ perceptions of the US under President Trump Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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