Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Indian, Pakistani enrolments drop sharply in UK; is new promotion agency the solution?

Indian, Pakistani enrolments drop sharply in UK; is new promotion agency the solution?

In a recent ICEF Monitor post, we asked: “Can the UK’s higher education sector retain its market share despite its government’s goals to reduce immigration by whatever means...

Measuring student and agent performance

Measuring student and agent performance

Nearly 200 delegates from around the world attended the fourth annual conference of the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) last month in Miami. The event featured several workshops...

International education now worth €1 billion to the Irish economy

International education now worth €1 billion to the Irish economy

With international education in Ireland reaching a value of €1 billion, foreign student arrivals are proving their worth, providing much needed revenue into Ireland’s education sector and broader...

International students watch Finland and wait

International students watch Finland and wait

In the wake of sweeping changes in educational systems throughout Europe, Finland remains the last EU country that does not charge tuition to international students. But that could...

Chinese students drawn to elite education brands

Chinese students drawn to elite education brands

“Before the economy opened up, a chic suit meant one with the label of a state-owned factory sewn ostentatiously on the sleeve. How times change.” —From “China’s Luxury...

Field report: Ukrainians consider a wider variety of study destinations

Following his recent trip to Uzbekistan, ICEF’s Director of the CIS countries Mr Sergey Krasnyanskiy travelled to the Ukraine to liaise with educational agencies and learn about current...

Increasing mobility and growing demand for higher education in Kenya

Recent developments in Kenya paint a picture of expanding student mobility programmes as well as a rapidly growing higher education system that is nevertheless struggling to keep up...

New legislation and new funding to boost Danish student mobility

In Denmark last month, Morten Østergaard, the Minister of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, introduced three new legislative proposals designed to increase the number of Danish students studying...

Opportunities expand as Lebanese choose a wider range of destinations

Drawing upon a cosmopolitan, multilingual society with strong historical ties to the West, the Lebanese student market presents an inviting prospect to international educators from around the world....

Number of Indian students heading abroad increases dramatically over past decade

The number of Indian students going overseas to study rose a stunning 256% – from 53,266 to 189,629 – in just nine years (2000–2009) according to a study...

Changing landscape for online education challenges for-profit providers

The entry of non-profit American university and college brands – particularly those with elite reputations – into online education is beginning to reshape the competitive landscape in US...

Field report: demand for education up sharply in Uzbekistan

As ICEF’s Director of the CIS countries, Mr Sergey Krasnyanskiy manages ICEF’s operations in Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. From his office in St Petersburg,...

Market Snapshot: The Netherlands

Although The Netherland’s ambitions for an international education sector continue to rely heavily on students from Germany, the country is showing signs of increasing diversity. Read on to...

Canada Course for Education Agents launched in Berlin

Canada – increasingly popular among international students considering study abroad destinations – showed its commitment to seeing its education systems promoted well and accurately across the world this...

Increasing challenges around the Iranian study abroad market

“We have the capacity to educate students inside the country, and except when it is urgent, there is no need for our foreign exchange to exit the country.”...

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  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

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  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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