Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Enhancing the student experience with essential student services

Enhancing the student experience with essential student services

Currently over 4.3 million students study at post-secondary institutions outside their home country. Whether you are a community college in Canada, a boarding school in Switzerland, a poly-tech...

New studies highlight the importance of leadership and student data in managing student retention

New studies highlight the importance of leadership and student data in managing student retention

Student retention is a vitally important topic for recruiters and education administrators alike. The business case for improving retention and completion rates is clear (see graphic below). However,...

High performance, high pressure in South Korea’s education system

High performance, high pressure in South Korea’s education system

South Korea has been lauded for having an education system that helped transform the country and rapidly grow its economy over the past 60 years. Today, its high-performing...

China announces plans to reform national college entrance exam

China announces plans to reform national college entrance exam

China’s Ministry of Education released plans this week to reform the gaokao – the national college entrance exam – over the balance of this decade. The gaokao is...

South Africa an important regional hub for international students

South Africa an important regional hub for international students

Known worldwide as the Rainbow Nation, South Africa is emerging as an important regional hub for international students. However, domestic demand for university education – coupled with financial...

Student retention begins in, and sometimes before, the first week of class

For many educators, the memory of the last student intake and last orientation is never far away, especially with a new school year recently underway in many parts...

New Zealand announces new initiatives to attract more international students

The Government of New Zealand announced a package of new policy initiatives this week designed to make New Zealand a more attractive study destination for international students. Tertiary...

Strategies for improving student selection and retention

How much is the retention of international students tied to a school’s admission process for selecting them in the first place? At the September EAIE (European Association for...

Falling rupee drives up costs for Indian students; Delhi makes the switch to four-year degrees

Can we be surprised that in a country of the size and importance of India that there is never any shortage of educational news? Its population of more...

Part 1: How to engage students’ parents during recruitment and study abroad

We’ve talked before on ICEF Monitor about the role of parents in decision making for study abroad – something even more important where younger students are concerned. Today’s...

US a source of international students too

The US is often in the news for its reputation as the leading destination for international students. But American students go overseas, too – as a recent report...

The power of connecting with international students

At this time in the year, many education institutions are in transition times: they are preparing for a major admissions cycle in autumn, and/or they are gearing up...

The link between internationalisation and recruitment

Yesterday’s article covered experts’ predictions that the US would continue to be international students’ first choice over the next decade. But the expert we quoted most extensively also...

Enrolling new students is step one, but don’t forget about retention

With all the pressures on recruitment these days, there is naturally a focus on top-line goals. How many students did we get? How does that compare to last...

Increasing the “stay rate” of international students

International education is increasingly recognised by institutions and governments as an important export sector. In fact, the economic impact of foreign students’ tuition – along with accommodation, living...

Most Recent

  • Report projects need for greater diversification in international student recruitment this year Read More
  • US funding freeze affecting both American and international exchange students and major US scholarship funders Read More
  • High study visa refusal rates disrupting the international education landscape Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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