As we head towards this year’s ICEF Moscow Workshop, we examine the role of private universities in Russia, students’ attitudes, and what the future holds for the private...
University World News has reported that regulations just approved by the federal parliament, to implement a European Union (EU) directive on the highly qualified, could considerably improve conditions...
In a far-reaching effort to overhaul its higher education system, Ecuador is shutting down 14 universities that the government determined did not meet basic academic standards. President Rafael...
Interest from China is again driving up applications to American graduate programmes, according to a new report from the Council of Graduate Schools. For the seventh consecutive year,...
New Zealand, with a population of just 4.4 million, may be best known for its wine, sheep and spectacular scenery, but as highlighted recently by the NY Times,...
INTO University Partnerships operates 12 joint ventures with universities in the US and UK and annually admits more than 5,000 students to its preparatory study centres. INTO also...
As we head towards this year’s ICEF Moscow Workshop, we examine the role of private universities in Russia, students’ attitudes, and what the future holds for the private...
The British Council previewed findings this week from a forthcoming report that forecasts the global higher education landscape through 2020. The study, The Shape of Things to Come:...
New survey results presented at the annual conference of the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) reflect the growing interest among American educators in recruiting Indian students, particularly...
American universities are set to strengthen their dominance in attracting international students, powered by the continued momentum from China and Saudi Arabia, revival of India, and emergence of...
Two recent reports point to the continuing strong demand for graduate education. The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) is an organization of over 500 higher education institutions in...
A statement released today by the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Bowen MP, announced that the Government will make the visa application process easier for students from...
The ICEF Dubai Workshop is just kicking off, and as attendees are lining up at Registration, many are already buzzing with energy and ready to do business. ICEF...
A serious rebound in international applications provides some evidence that the Australian government’s drive to encourage higher level study may be having an impact. PIER Online reports, “Applications...