Market intelligence for international student recruitment from ICEF

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Using Twitter for student recruitment to maximum effect

Using Twitter for student recruitment to maximum effect

Education Dive, an education sector news aggregator, got it right when they declared, “every university is on Twitter.” The question – as we always note when we write...

Working with commission-based education agents: the real issue

Working with commission-based education agents: the real issue

In a departure from our normal editorial coverage, we are pleased to present the following opinion piece from ICEF CEO Markus Badde on a topic that is currently...

New Zealand aims to double value of international education by 2025

New Zealand aims to double value of international education by 2025

Nearly 100,000 international students chose New Zealand for their studies abroad in 2012, contributing NZ $2 billion (US $1.64 billion) to the economy and supporting approximately 32,000 jobs....

Hong Kong remains competitive despite tuition hike

Hong Kong remains competitive despite tuition hike

Today ICEF Monitor looks at Hong Kong, where the government says inflation and monetary exchange has forced a rise in fees for international students. As the country adjusts...

Europe takes stock of its international student recruitment strategies

Europe takes stock of its international student recruitment strategies

As competition for international students intensifies around the world, the European Union is increasingly interested in promoting member countries – and indeed, the entire Eurozone – as a...

Australian private-sector providers continue to call for visa reforms

In most destination countries, immigration policy is the area where government policy and process improvements can have the most dramatic impact on international student enrolments. Perhaps it is...

Canada aims to streamline student visa processing

Canada is accepting more and more international students, and more of those international students are deciding to immigrate – recent data from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) shows....

8 tips for better content marketing on social media sites

Virtually everyone knows that consumers – including students – have little time for traditional marketing. Students don’t want to be pushed or sold to, even when they are...

Malaysia pushes forward with ambitious education reforms

The state of Malaysia’s education system is no small issue for those interested in the flows of international students around the world. With estimates that 42% of global...

China’s slowdown doesn’t mean the sky is falling

Newspaper headlines across the world have been filled of late with the news that China’s gross domestic product (GDP) slowed to 7.7% for the first quarter of 2013,...

Part 2: Videos that work: What’s your strategy?

In Part 1 of this series, we provided examples of education marketing videos that stay true to the brands behind them and that deliver effective, strategic messaging. In...

International internships are increasingly valued by employers

Internships have long been part of the collegiate landscape, but their relationship to students’ future prospects has never been more direct. ICEF Monitor takes a look at the...

American graduate schools see alarming drop in applications from Chinese students

A dramatic drop in the number of Chinese students applying to US graduate schools this spring – a 5% decline, after seven years of double-digit increases, according to...

Why Vietnam? A market snapshot

If Vietnam has yet to appear on your institution’s international student recruitment radar screen, this article might make you think again. Below you’ll find a compelling overview of...

Is your marketing answering the right questions?

Amidst the ever-intensifying global competition for students, all education institutions with internationalisation mandates are asking themselves what they can do to present themselves more effectively to students in...

Most Recent

  • US: Trump administration actions creating an uncertain outlook for international students Read More
  • Germany recovers an 8x return on investment in international students Read More
  • New Zealand resource aims to connect prospective international students with qualified agents Read More

Most Popular

  • Which countries will contribute the most to global student mobility in 2030? Read More
  • Research shows link between study abroad and poverty alleviation  Read More
  • Beyond the Big Four: How demand for study abroad is shifting to destinations in Asia and Europe Read More
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